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Logging in Web-Planner

Stefan Michel shared this problem 2 years ago


Das einloggen im Web-Planner über das Google-Konto funktioniert seit Heute (18.07.22) nicht mehr.

Ich kann mich mit dem Google-Konto im Forum anmelden, aber im Web kommt nach dem einloggen wieder das Popup zum einloggen und ich komme nicht mehr an meine Tracks.

Ich benutze Firefox und es ist aktuell. (102.0.1)

Auch mit Ausnahmen im Bitdefender funktioniert es nicht.

Das war allerdings bis gestern auch nicht notwendig.


As of today (18.07.22), logging into the Web Planner via the Google account no longer works.

I can log into the forum with the Google account, but on the web, after logging in, the popup to log in comes up again and I can no longer access my tracks.

I use Firefox and it is up to date. (102.0.1). It also doesn't work with exceptions in Bitdefender. However, that was not necessary until yesterday.

Replies (4)



Im Anhang das Problem als Screenclip

Viele Grüße

Stefan Michel



Jetzt kann ich mich wieder einloggen.

Geändert habe ich seit heute Mittag nichts.

War es eine Störung auf euren Server ?

Viele Grüße

Stefan MIchel

Now I can log in again.

I haven't changed anything as of this afternoon.

Was it a glitch on your server?

Many greetings

Stefan Michel


Hello Zdenek

Thanks for the fast respond.

I also use Google to sign up for Dropbox and

It worked for Windy yesterday.

Strange things sometimes happen in IT, but now it's working again.

Actually I want to open Locus Map (Planner) with a password and not with Google.

Today I tried again and also changed the password.

Or rather, I had always used Google to register for Planner.

The new password works in the forum, but not to log in to the planner ???

Am I wrong in thinking?

Two different apps? servers ? login data ?

How can I change this ?

Greetings from Germany/Rhineland-Palatinate


Hello Zdenek

OK. I had this suspicion, just as you described.

I'm waiting for the updates.

Remark : I have tried many Navi's (TomTom, MRA etc.) and Locus is the best alternative for my needs so far.

There are still things that bother me, but I "translate" myself first through the forum to see if the topics have already come up.

The development team probably comes from the corner of hiking, cycling, running etc.

I'm "outing" myself now as: Motorbiker :-))) and I'll be in the forum in the near future with specific questions / ideas from the motorbiker world.

I think Locus has the potential to become the first choice for motorbikers too.

Many greetings


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