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Download process unsuccessful

ann.starr shared this problem 2 years ago

I am having issues downloading the England Lomap to my SD card. I have created folder Locus_Mapsvector om my SD card and changed the MapsVector location is ettings. The map started to download to the correct folder but then failed with message 'process unsuccessful'. I tried restarting and each time a bit more was downloaded but I got the error:

Error: Unexpected problem!

Please contact us and describe the problem in detail. Thank you!, Read error: ssl=0x798f3fda48: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort

setMin, code: 12555

See first attached screen shot. Eventually it downloaded 800-odd megabytes and said that it had reached 50%. After that, every attempt to download failed with the message:

Error: Unexpected problem!

Please contact us and describe the problem in detail. Thank you!, null

setMin, code: 12555

See second screenshot attached. No further data was actually downloaded. The folder has one file called england.tmp 839 MB as per third screenshot attached. My SD card has 41 GB free space. Restarting my mobile phone makes no difference. Please advise.

Replies (1)


The progress of 50% does not imply that the download has to go for another 50% of data. It rather kind of means the progress of the overall process, which included uncompressing.

There is a fair chance that the download is complete. You can TRY to rename the extension to .zip, and then use a file explorer to look into the compressed file. In case you have no capable explorer installed I recommend x-plore.

Good luck and cheers



Well, I renamed England.tmp to, double-clicked on it and it unzipped two files, england.osm.db and The England lomap now shows in offline maps so I'll try it out tomorrow. Goodness knows why I had to keep restarting/redownloading to get the full map to download or what setMin, code: 12555 meant but it seems to me that there was some sort of maximum amount that would download at a time and once the whole map was downloaded, it needed manual intervention to unzip. Anyway, thanks for your help - it looks like I got there in the end. As an ex IT person, I found the process a bit flakey but perhaps that's the nature of mobile apps these days where everyone has different combinations of software, different settings etc.


By the way, very impressed with the speedy response! Have a good evening.

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