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Restoring a backed up map from Google Drive is not working

Chris Golding shared this problem 2 years ago

I backed up all my purchased Ordnance Survey maps on Google Drives.

Locus Maps is configured to store the offline maps on the SD card.

The SD card failed. I fitted a new SD card and changed the locations to point at the new card.

I tried to restore a map from Google Drive but it does not work. There are no errors. The map then appears in the map manager but when I display it the map shows "Unknown problem".

I hope you can help. I have bought quite a few maps.

Replies (4)


Hi Chris,

are you logged in Locus Store with the same account with which you bought the maps? When you restored the maps, did you copy both map files - .sqlitedb The .info file is important for decrypting the map file.


Thanks for the fast response. I am logged in with the same account. I do have the info files as well. I didn't do a manual copy, I was using the Locus map import option which only does the .sqlitedb files and not the .info. Should I just do a manual copy outside of Locus Map app to the map directory?


Yes, please do. The .info files must be in the same folder as the .sqlitedb.


Fantastic! That works thank you. I was nervous about copying files outside of the app just in case it messed something up.

PS: Locus Maps is brilliant. The best by far.

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