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Opening user POI displays wrong menu on bottom panel for first POI in list

Andrew Heard shared this problem 23 months ago

see the attached screen recording - I tap on the first POI "AU-WA-2022 Stirling Range" and you will briefly (fraction of a second) see the correct menu on the bottom panel (annotated with arrow to show Edit button), but then it quickly switches to another incorrect menu which doesn't have the Edit button visible. So I am unable to edit this POI. It is 100% reproduceable on this device. The behavior however is correct for the 2nd POI in the list, and correct behavior for the first POI in a different folder. I reported a similar behavior when opening track details a while ago, which we suspected to be some timing glitch/ race condition, although can't find the URL, it was hard to reproduce, but we agreed (Menion) that you also experienced the bug, whereas this one is very very specific, and no doubt you won't be able to reproduce either, but at least I have visual proof of the bug.

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More information: after more testing I find the reported behavior is specific to this POI rather than what position in the list or folder it is part of. When I move the POI to another folder, and ensure it is not at the top of the list, the bug still occurs. As far as I know there is nothing special about how this POI was created. It is now attached.

When I import the GPX so there were 2 identical POI in the list, the correct bottom menu would appear for both points. I deleted 1 POI, and still other was fine. I moved that POI back to the original folder, but then the menu glitch returned. Workaround: when I tap the POI from the map instead of the list, I can edit details.


Hello Andrew,

thanks for the detailed report. As I see, point had to be created from the online LoPoint. App seems to load a LoPoint details from our server and once loaded, it display new data insted of. I've made a small update so it should work better in the next app version. Let me know once you will test it, thanks!


not a perfect test because I have added other POI & renamed some since the report, but confirmed fixed I think in - thanks!

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