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Malfunction of adding links to points after update 4.11.1

maxburg shared this problem 23 months ago

I tried to add a link (URL, phone, email) to a point after the update to 4.11.1. Activating the 'add field' button resulted in a backjump to the point manager. Before the update a small window opens which allows the selection of the type of link to be added.

Replies (2)


Hello Zdenek,

I attach a Video showing the procedere (Donut know if it was accepted)

1. Open „Track & Routes“

2.Choose „Points“

3.Select folder

4.Select point

5.Activate edit

6.Scroll down to the „Links‘ area

7.Activate ‚add another field“

8.Error occurs as a backjump to „Tracks & Routes“

Repeating that procedure several times Locus Map chrashs and sometimes shows the following message.

„Locus Map failed

Locus Map closed because this app contains an error.

Try updating this app after its developer provided a fix.“

Locus Map runs on Android 12 on a Samsung Galaxy A52s 5G, but similar problem also occurs on a Samsung Galaxy TABS3 ( Android 9).

As the update on TABS3 to LM 4.11.1 happens later than on A52, I was able to check the functionality on the previous release- and it works. Only after the update of the TABS3 to 4.11.1 the same error as on A52 occurs.

I repeated the procedure with different points including no or various links. Always the same error occurs.



Hello Zdenek,

I run LM in the dark mode and just tried to repeat the error in the light mode. Surprisingly it worked correctly unter the light mode. Going back to the dark mode the error is back.

May, this helps in simulating the error on your device.


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