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Exporting track unsuccessful getAllStackTraces 12561

Wilfried Blankertz shared this problem 23 months ago

Since two days, automatic export to Dropbox doesn't work anymore and the Notification center shows "Process unsuccessful". When I click retry, I get "Error: getAllStackTraces, code: 12561".

Manually exporting "Mit Dropbox" and "Zu Dropbox" both works fine.

It did work fine until August, 12 2022. I am using Locus Map Classic Version 3.62.1 on Android 11 on Samsung SM-A505FN.

Replies (3)


After I logged out from Dropbox (in the Dropbox App), I can manually select to export to Dropbox, but nothing happens, not even an error message and the Dropbox folders are empty. Same after restarting Android.

After reconnecting to Dropbox, I have the same situation: Manual export does work, but not the automatic after stopping to log.


Do not log out in the app. Instead, disconnect or log out of Dropbox in Locus and then log in again.


OK, finally got it to work again.

  • Opened Settings->Track recording
  • Select a Recording Profile
  • Advanced Settings->Automatic Export->Disable
  • Advanced Settings->Automatic Export-> Export Path -> Dropbox -> my path.
  • Set!

Thanks a lot!

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