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Points Manager - unwanted scrolling

Viajero Perdido shared this problem 23 months ago

Hi. There seems to be a UI glitch in the Points Manager. Trying to manually toggle a point's visibility by tapping the "eye" icon is very frustrating. Sometimes a tap on the eye causes it to scroll instead. I'm tapping very carefully, tapping on the left side of the eye to avoid the scroll bar*, but still it triggers a scroll ... sometimes, but often enough to be annoying.

This is on my big tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+), portrait or landscape mode, LM 4.11.1. Happens also on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 tablet with 4.11.0, but not on the phone. Sync is not happening at the time.

(* Also happens when tapping with the stylus, which is much more precise than a fat finger. I am definitely tapping on the eye when it scrolls unexpectedly.)

Replies (8)


Same issue with "eye" icon in track manager. I recall has also been discussed quite a while back.


Hi Viajero,

I do not know why this happens to be true. What I did was add a small intent of "eye" from the right side so it should be easier to tap it. Let me know if it helps in the next app version, thanks.

Jiří M. aka Menion

1 beta: now is seems even worse for me on Galaxy Tab A7 (Android 12) in landscape orientation (or at least certainly no less frustrating than before). I attempt to tap the "eye" (visibility) icon & instead scroll instead. Not tested yet on phone in portrait orientation. (cross posted to forum too, sorry)


Hi Viajero, Andrew,

hmm, small change I made in the recent Beta version does not help here. I'm trying to find a solution, but because of the really old system I use in the Data manager screen, it seems to be almost impossible. Problem is caused by the "fast scroll" system that triggers when more points/tracks are in the list. I've increased the limit from 20 to 250 points (similar to tracks) that need to be in the group to enable this fast scroll. So hope this helps till I rewrite the Data manager to the new system.


On closer inspection/ usage during intensive holiday, none of my lists have 250 items, but the UI confusion between whether I am tapping to toggle visibility (yes I am) or tapping to "fast scroll" (no I'm never wanting to) hasn't improved. So I wait for the eventual rewrite.


4.12.1 has fixed it for me, thanks. I tested on phone, small- and large tablet, with tiny, medium, and huge lists on each. Not once did it scroll unexpectedly, even when I tapped the right side of the icon. Occasionally it registered a tap left of the icon, probably because I was still tapping toward the left out of habit; my fault.

I think Andrew and I have some mysterious but crucial difference in our configurations.

("Small" tablet for this test was a Nexus 7; the S2 died.)


Andrew, this is really weird. Are you testing the latest version from Google Play? I'm rather checking it again and really, there is a hardcoded value "250". So in case, you see less than 250 items in the points or tracks list, there should be no so-called "Fast scroll" (area on the side the serves faster scrolling).


Menion, yeah really weird. While away I was using a 10" Android 12 tablet with LM4.12.1 extensively in landscape orientation & the scroll-instead-of-toggle was driving me nuts sometimes. Maybe 1 in 10 taps would result in huge scroll jump. Largest folder is 175 items. Today I've tapped various "eye" icons 100's of times but only a few times does the huge scroll unintentionally occur. But when it does occur the list is scrolled almost from top to bottom (~150+ items away), but I just can't explain under what circumstances it occurs. So I've also now tested the same folder on an 8" Android 8 tablet with LM4.12.1 in landscape orientation with similar results. 100 taps on varying positions, and 100 times it all works fine - just a toggle, but then 1 time it will scroll ~150 items away. It's not worth spending any further time on, but I wish I knew how to avoid that 1-in-100 tap position because you loose your position.


I also had the problem 8-10 months ago. But now it has not happened for a long time. I always thought I clicked too far to the right and got to the scrolling area. Then I got used to clicking further to the left.
But as I said it has not occurred for months. Maybe because I click further left ?


Perhaps it is also due to too large fingers. Or the touch is too imprecise. But it could also be due to the rounded screen. Maybe the edge is not as accurate?


Hmm, everything is possible. I'm sorry, but I do not know what to do here more. I made a tiny change in the scrollbar behavior now, but it won't probably have a major effect. Sorry.

We are discussing a big change in the points/tracks system (database, UI) now, so if this happens, this problem will be solved automatically :).


As I said, IMHO not worth spending any further time on.

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