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Locus Map Watch (Galaxy watch 4) does not record tracks (Locus Map Classic user)

Tom Pieters shared this problem 23 months ago

I have installed Locus map watch on my Samsung Galaxy watch 4 (and Android phone). Seems to work good except the track recording. When I press rec on the start screen, select walking or biking activity, the recording screen pops up, but is not recording anything. The track time is not running, no distance is recorded. Not even after renaming the track. When I stop the recording I cannot find the track back. I'm using Locus map classic (previous pro version)

Replies (7)


Hello Tom,

may you please check if the track recording starts on your phone? App serves only as a "remote controller" for the mobile application so you may verify if it works or not at all, thanks.


Meanwhile I did some basic troubleshooting. The recording only starts after I open the phone app (even minutes after pressing record on the watch). It kinda initiates the recording phone, but needs a little push (opening the app on that phone) to really start. Once it is started, the watch is updating correctly. But when I finish the recording, it nicely notifies me on the phone that the recording of the track is available, but I cannot find it anywhere in my recorded tracks


I just discovered that it was only recording the track while the phone app was opened. I had a walk of 2 km of which it recorded only 15 meters, exactly the time I opened the phone app, verifying that is started recording, checking it was synced with the watch and finally putting my phone back in my pants



seems like a problem caused by the device system battery optimization.

Exclude Locus from all means of optimization so that the app can run in the background. Probably same with the installed add-on app on the device.

Instructions on how to do it are summed up here: or here:

Let me know if it helped.


Unfortunately that trick did not work for me. I still need to open the phone app to effectively start the recording after the recording was already started on the watch. Only the track was recorded for the time I had the phone app/phone open. During that time the track time kept nicely increasing, but the track distance only recorded during phone app activation, resulting in only a few meters while walking approx. 2km

Android 11/OnePlus 8T-location right: always on + files&media right:only allow access to media-battery optimalization: do not optimize


Hello Tom,

I have to say, this is quite a big mystery to me. If we receive reports about any problems, then it is in the communication between watches and phone, so the watch app does not work at all. In your case, it looks like the watches communicate with the Android Locus Map app correctly, but the Android app seems to be influenced by some "sleep" problem. Until the app on the Android itself won't work correctly, mainly track recording, it won't for sure work correctly in cooperation with watches.

So I'm quite sorry, but I currently have no idea how to help here if no "Disable battery optimization" method helps. Thanks for understanding.

Jiří M. aka Menion


I can confirm that I've used Locus Map Classic (on Android Pie) with a Galaxy Watch 4 and the Locus Wear OS app successfully last week.

Sometimes it crashes, but it's just a matter of relaunching the watch app; the start/stop/pause works and the map too. What doesn't work is the heart rate monitor (but I was recording the workout with Samsung Health as well and I don't know if they can co-exist at the same time) and the typing of the name of waypoints is not ideal as it accepts multi-line strings (I'll open another ticket for this issue).

Of course battery optimization was disabled and I also set Locus on the phone to run as a service (I noticed better stability on the connection with the watch with this setting switched on).

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