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Error when trying to sync Locus 4

Sven Reiten shared this problem 23 months ago

I'm a "Gold member". Last week I've had a problem when trying to sync tracks/poi from the app.

Se attached filed for message that pops up when trying to sync via mobil-app.

Any thoughts on what I can do? Or do I need to wait for an update in the ap (says "Incidete is logged and should be fixed ASAP" in error-message.

/Sven Reiten

Replies (1)


Hello Sven,

we discussed a problem with the import of tracks few days ago. Seems it works correctly now, right?

What happend here seems to be somehow connected. Server refuse to sync certain track because there seems to be a track that has 0 or a 1 trackpoints. This should in ideal world not happen because Locus Map itself should refuse to save such track. How this happend is a mystery.

Do you have an idea of what you did? I expect you had an empty Locus Map app, then you imported some tracks into the app and then you tried to sync it right? Do you think that with the exactly same file you used for the import, I should be able to simulate exactly the same problem on my own device? If so, should be possible to share these data with me? Thanks!



The traks with 0 or 1 trackpoint are the ones that dont get imported (it seemed).

I'm not quite sure what you mean with "Do you have an idea of what you did?" I imported the file with "all my earlier tracks" (from viewranger) and it synced initially. After a week i got the message attached in my first post then trying to sync.

Deleted all tracks/poi's now and imorted just 5-6 single gpx-files. Worked fine with syncing.

When importing the gpx from Viewranger (multiple tracks in one file), it cant sync.

The files are uploaed to edited by Menion

One of the is a file which is saved/exported from "GPS Track Editor". This file contains ca 570 tracks (and are the ones I want imported into Locus).

The other one now only find ca 150-160 tracks, but contain the POI's.

/Sven R


Hello Sven,

thanks a lot for the files, it really helped. Your original file 220809 Orginal exported file from view ranger.gpx is correct and all tracks works as expected (after small fix with the import discussed in another topic). Anyway file "220818 File from GPX-editor based on file from View ranger 20220809.gpx" contains one really weird track that was by accident imported into Locus Map as is. It's name is "Pilgrimsleden via Gjøvik, Oslo - Trondheim" and if you look at it, it contains every trackpoint in separate segment. It cases a crash of the app itself and also crash in the sync. May you please delete it manually in the app? I'm sure, it will work correctly then. Thanks!


Hi again, and thank you for fantastic customer support!

It work now :)

/Sven R

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