Freehand writing on a map.

Alberto shared this idea 23 months ago
Gathering feedback

I suggest the possibility of introducing a layer where you can write and store notes or signs on the map drawn freehand or using the s-pen for example. A bit like what happens with geocache tools. Thank you.

Replies (3)


Hello Alberto,

may you please explain why this feature may be useful to You and other users? Because I do not see a clear benefit here. Thanks.


Having the possibility to write down on the screen non-passable or dangerous areas, horrid more or less critical passages or cliffs is useful for future navigation and sharing of information in a rescue group. Also in planning an off-trail route it can be very useful to indicate the approximate direction to follow for each group in the search. Even if it is not on the subject nor is it useful to point out that, like the dynamic cursor indication of the altitude, it would be very convenient to have the distance indication as well. Thanks and bye to you soon.


This is a novel idea, perhaps it would be a transparent png assigned to a point/centred on point as a type of attachment

it could be usefull to quickly show/share to live tracking group, plans of travel, like putting circle around monument etc, if you are out hiking, creating way points on a route only gives specific points and notes. I think the ATAK app has this drawing feature.

Its a bit like when people write with marker pen on map cases with map underneath, you sometimes need more than POI to describe problems/adjustments...


Hi, this is really interesting idea, thanks for that. But for now due to the complexity and expected usability only for fraction of our users, it stands outside of list of realistic priorities for the visible future, so keep on voting please. :)

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