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Problems with external Bluetooth GPS devices since Locus Map 3 Classic 3.56.5

Zoppo shared this problem 23 months ago

Since version 3.56.5 Locus Map 3 Classic does not work properly with all my external GNSS bluetooth devices nor with apps like 'GPS 2 Bluetooth'. Locus no longer displays the HDOP value and depending on the external GNSS device only some or even no satellites as 'in use'. Moreover, if I switch from an external GNSS device that receives GPS, GLONASS and Galileo satellites to a device that is only capable to receive GPS signals (without restarting Locus), Locus still shows all the formerly received GLONASS and Galileo satellites on the satellite screen.

Replies (7)


Hello Zoppo,

thanks for the bug report. You see to use & test really old app version and since then, some internal methods that deal with NMEA messages has already changed. Anyway you are correct about problem with the "Sats in use". This seems to be a problem since begin. So now fixed and should work as expected in the next app version. So if possible, try next Locus Map Classic version and let me know. Estimated release is the second half of September.

Jiří M. aka Menion


Hi Menion,

this is not completely solved. If I switch from an external GPS+GLONASS receiver to an external GPS-only receiver Locus 3.63.0 still displays all the GLONASS satellites (see attached pictures).


Hello Zoppo,

interesting. I see no reason why it should behave like this. Does it display correct satellite values after a few seconds of usage?


Hello Menion,

even after 10 minutes Locus still displays GLONASS satellites that have only been received by the previously used GNSS device. So, I suspect that Locus must have some internal buffer for the known satellites that is not been reset after switching to another external GNSS device.

And I forgot to mention: The HDOP value is still not displayed for external GNSS receivers in general.

All these problems didn't exist before Locus 3.56.5

Once again I attached 3 screenshots and the corresponding NMEA file.



Hello Zoppo,

thanks for additional info. I believe I've found a few minor problems that maybe caused what happens to you. So please wait for the next app version and let me know if it helps.


Hi Menion,

this is just to let you know that I tested Locus Map Classic 3.64.1 and there is no progress regading this problem. HDOP is still not displayed and switching between external GNSS devices (without restarting Locus) leads to completely wrong satellite view.


Hello Zoppo,

thanks for the tests. I'm checking it own device with one BT3 and one BT4 GNSS devices and can't detect any similar problem to what you write. Switch take a few seconds, but after that, satellites and other values are correct.

Both my devices also does not report horizontal accuracy, but it is not something I may fix. To know this value, app needs to receive a GST NMEA messages that is unfortunatelly often missing.

Because bluetooth GPS use only minority of users and even less has two devices at once, I'm sorry, but this issue remain "unfixed". Thanks for understanding.

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