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Save a manual route

Colin Dawson shared this question 23 months ago

I want to change a route that was autoamtically generated by Locus. The route goes by the best and most direct route but the trip is for adventure motorcycle so I want to force it to detour by forest roads.

This is easy in Google My Maps, any part of the route can be dragged, and the route is automatically recalculated. I am struggling to find the equivalent function in locus.

I found this is eplaction in the manual:[]=edit&s[]=route

"If the route does not contain shaping points where you need them, tap the place of the route and make shaping point from an ordinary trackpoint. This way you can add also via points or navigation points

This is a mystery - I tap the route and nothing happens. How do I add the points?

This section describes hw to create a route manually and I ahve tried to follow it, and manually added points. This seems to work Ok initially, but I cannot discover how to finish an save the route. It is always "in progress" and lost when I leave the editing screen. Where is the control to save and name the route?

It seems I am not understanding how to manually create or change a route. Is this functionality available in Locus?

For the moment I can achieve this by generating in Google and exporting to Locus.

Replies (3)


Hi Colin,

this is a typical case for using the "Re-route" feature.

- open the route in the route planner


- add shaping points to it if it's necessary


- move the shaping point to change the route progress


- save the route (in the topbar route menu)

To prevent all this, plan the route from the beginning in the route planner. See more at



Thanks for the answer ... I am still not there 🙁

Firstly to your suggestion about using the route planner - I read it a few times and could not complete the process. You added a critical clue in your answer below - "Save" from the top menu. That is not included in the user guide page that you referenced, and it is a different mode of operation to generating normal routes (which save automatically).

In any case the "reroute" function is much more important to me. I was already able to add shaping points as you suggest, and now I know how to Save the route. However, I am finding that it just adds a new "arm" to an existing route, it does not actually re-route the original. I'm expecting to have a single route, that has been changed according to my new shaping points.

Am I still missing something?


Hi Colin,

"...You added a critical clue in your answer below - "Save" from the top menu. That is not included in the user guide page..."

- yes, it is, see

"...I am finding that it just adds a new "arm" to an existing route, it does not actually re-route the original."

- this depends on the place where you move the shaping point - the router always chooses the most convenient way between two spots depending on the length and selected profile. Adding more shaping points often helps.

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