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Configuration lost after reinstall

Kenton Hensley shared this problem 22 months ago

Dear Locus Map People,

Recently, after trying to download some map areas of Georgian Bay, Canada, the Map Manager was displayed an error message about an incomplete download. If I clicked on that message, it indicated there was an unknown error with the map but no guidance or action was presented. I tried clearing the map cache and application cache, but it didn't fix it.

After a few days, I decided to try to uninstall and reinstall. When I did this, I received a warning that the current folder configuration was no longer permitted, because, well, Google - I read your recent update on this. The install went fine and at some point, I believe there was a message that it was transferring data or settings, but it went by too fast so I didn't catch it. On loading Locus Map, I found all configuration was gone: panels, dashboards, maps, routes, profiles, audio coach settings - everything.

As I have a subscription, I was able to download all my maps and tracks but that didn't fix the settings. However, I have had to recreate everything else (still doing that). So, one I thought you might like to know of the issue if you don't already.

Second, auto backup was configured, but I could not remember where I was backing up to. I thought it was Google Drive ('cause I login with my Google account), so I configured the backup settings for Drive, but no, they were not there. After some digging, I found the backups on the SD Card (my phone is a Samsung Note 10). The problem is, now, now when I browse to try and restore, it always goes to Drive and I can't find a way to reset it so I can browse the SD Card.

Can you help?

And yes, the reinstall did get rid if the Map Manager error message.

Thanks much,


P.S. I absolutely love Locus Pro and have been using it for 10 years. It is top-notch in every way and I use it daily. What is my top wish you ask (oh, you say you didn't)? I'll tell you anyway :), I'm a Sea Kayaker too, and coastal and inland nautical charts would be awesome!

Replies (1)


Hello Zdeněk, I appreciate the response. I just got back from my trip. At this point, I've recreated almost everything except my dashboards. It's a reasonable exercise to recreate them again.


Kenton Hensley

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