User filters in Tracks

Waldemar Wawoczny shared this idea 21 months ago
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Data manager >> Tracks - no change to the classic. There are still no user filters (e.g. look at the music players: there is a possibility to set the type of music or give it from 0 to 5 stars depending on how I like the song).
The name of the route does not offer such possibilities, and the Description is just meaningless text. And it could be useful as tags for a piece of music. Well, how do I find routes that are OK, or routes for gravel or with attractions (e.g. beautiful views).


Replies (1)


I'll go into the Data Manager topic.
My job was to deal with databases, and at a very advanced level, and I think what's in the Manager is taking the easy way.
As a user, I have my preferences, such as whether the route is attractive: views, monuments, etc., what the surface was like and other important data for the user.
And what does the Manager give? It only gives data that can give the user statistically dry information (longest route, calories, etc., etc.).
After all, it is simple, if you have a problem to decide on your own, install AIMP, MusicBee and see what can be tagged, a fairy tale.
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