Live tracking - option to send current recording gpx instead of lat/lon

Nelson Alexandre shared this idea 21 months ago
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I've been using the live tracking feature to track my rides to a custom website I built. It shows a line connecting the points Locus live track feature sends it on a set interval.

But if the interval is too long, or if I fall outside the cell coverage area for a while(happens often!) the next point will be far from the previous causing the line to stop being a reasonable representation of the route that I've ridden.

It would be nice if instead of a single point Locus could be configured to send the full recorded route gpx up to this point so the website could keep a very accurate map even if the tracking interval is set to longer values such 10 minutes as well as solving the out of cell signal issue as it would fully update the next time we have cell signal.

I guess an alternative would be a send queue that would build up while out of cell signal that would all be dispatched when cell signal is restored.

Kind of a side question that just came to mind here... Is it possible to use the Locus API to export the current recording track as a gpx file without stopping the recording? If so this could be used to solve this issue as I could use a background utility to monitor for changes to that gpx file and upload it to the server that way. (Edit: So I found the "Save actual part" option under the wrench button on the track recording screen, this combined with gpx export could be my answer, now to figure out if this function can be accessed by the API!)

Thank you for your time!

Replies (3)


Hello Nelson,

just for your info about the side question: currently, no such feature exists in the app. There is only an option to control the recording state, but not any other special features around.


I got this working using Tasker to create a live tracking script using the Locus API.

It works like a charm and even has access to more variables than the default Locus Live Tracking, it shows the current recorded track as well as the planned route. Currently I have it setup to toggle airplane mode off every 10 minutes, send the updated track information and then toggle airplane mode back on, battery savings!

I've placed the code on Github if anyone wants to go the same way, it does require quite a bit of technical knowledge to get it setup though, so be warned.



Excellent, ive been using falcos plugin for loads of tasker tasks, will look in to this

Why is it a fork of Falcos than working alongside?


There is a section for Tasker solutions in the forum. You could place it here so that others can use it.


I updated it to the latest Locus API version and a few other changes for other projects mainly.

The live tracker will probably work with the base Falcos version as well, off the top of my head I think just the accuracy variable that has a changed name in the latest Locus API version(it was split into horizontal and vertical accuracy)


Uff amazing, thanks Nelson!

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