Dropbox photo link url thumbnail

Alistair Parsons shared this idea 21 months ago
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Menion, a while ago I asked about the public url of a google photo to be able to be grabbed and placed as an image thumbnail but you said it wasnt possible.

I just noticed with dropbox, from the android app, when you view and image and select create link,


which could then be put as a URL attachment to a point/track

so the feature request is when a URL attchment is created that starts

with https://www.dropbox.com/s/ could ?dl=0 be taken off then end, then this image thumbnail be stored automatically as the thumbnail of the POI. in a similar way to the auto thumbnail when you attach an image to a POI

And also for the URL of the image to be available in the web planner....

Replies (3)


What is tested and works offline is through gpz which contains a gpx waypoint plus simple image (no gps data). Currently you must set a map thumbnail icon manually. This could probably be done quite easily automatically.


Important is that desc is not technically polluted and name cmt and desc so remain free for text edit by the user.
Advantageous is that the waypoints tracks and images nicely stay together in a single gpz file and can be shared.
Advantageous as images located in Locus Android data are becoming more and more difficult (A13+) to trace.

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Online as suggested does not work with dropbox nor google drive.
What partially succeeds are images posted as on imgdumper.nl
Best is to create an account to have control of your images.
The image is shown fine but Locus does not produce a thumbnail icon.


It looks like dropbox changed their url format since I made the post....


I like the Dropbox or other linking proposal here. I cannot follow your proposal links here. Are they expired?


What "links" are you referring to ?

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