Custom dashboard fields to be used in conjuction with the Locus API

Nelson Alexandre shared this idea 21 months ago
Gathering feedback

It would be nice if we had a few(10 or so) custom dashboard fields that could be updated via the Locus API.

They don't need to have settable names or anything, just Custom 1 to 10 would be enough I think.

Currently we work around this by using things like Tasker overlays but they are clunky to get positioned just right, hard to match the dashboard theme and render on top of menus.

Replies (2)


Definitely, it seems simple, but so much extra infomation would be available...overlays with tasker are a pain


Hi guys,

and what specific values are you missing? Just for my info if this isn't something easily doable directly in the app.


Currently I'm using the following overlays:

- Slope % calculated from pitch using the following formula tan(torad(round(0 - %pitch))) * 100 and a bit of custom filtering to make it more stable(only allowing it to go up/down by 1 every 2 seconds). This works very well even in dirt roads with all the shaking. And it doesn't shake that much when you're going uphill at 5km/h and that's usually when I'm looking at this field haha.

- Remaining uphill elevation when following a guide/navigation, again with some custom filtering, this time to make is somewhat similar to the elevation measured by Strava(so it better matches the value I get when route planning)

- Remaining uphill elevation percentage, same as above but as a % value for quick estimations.

Can you tell I live in a very hilly region? hehehe.

I'm sure I would come up with more stuff if it wasn't such a pain to overlay it over the app.


As you can see above I did manage to get the overlays to look similar to the dashboard style but it's not exact.


For me its sunrise/sunset, and free txt fields like last telegram message, phone number of destination contact

another solution might be for a dashboard to read txt files for input. which would make it trivial for slow changing things like calendar entries, etc


I would like to display an indication for missed calls and messages in the dashboard. I

use immersive mode and would miss them otherwise. Currently I'm using a Tasker overlay, but it doesn't work reliably.


Thanks for the feedback. Nice idea and probably not too hard to do. I hoped that the second half of this year will be in the name of the "Dashboard". Well, geocaching, because of problems with add-ons and some business stuff has a higher priority. So keep voting, the time of the dashboard will most probably come next year.

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