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Export/Import GPX Route

Wolfgang shared this problem 2 years ago

Good Morning,

I quite often proceed as follows: Use the route planner for planning a walk. Saving locally and reuse works fine. Exporting as GPX gives the choice between export as track(1) or convert to route(2). Now the problems begin:

- Reimporting the track in Locus seems to work fine. I see the track and the previously marked waypoints and can change the way properly. Importing the route into the route planner I get a route containing all the intermediate waypoints automatically created by Locus as routing points. This cannot be used ton maintain the route properly.

- Reimporting the track or route into another app (here easy routes on windows) leads her to a track or route, respectively. Both contain all the hundreds of points, that where generated by locus when I edited the original path.

No the problem: I want a gpx-route(!) that contains my and only my fiew waypoints when creating the route on locus before export. This is a classical route. When importing somewhare else it leads to the risk, that the router there (if available) creates another way from my waypoints. The advatage is, that the route can be maintained properly for personal needs on any device with any software.

If I want to export an exact way, I have the option of the gpx-track. This is available.

Summary: I want to export a route with only my waypoints, that needs a routing software to be reused and maintained on any device. To my knowledge, this is the standard GPX-route.

Best wishes, Wolfgang Kouker

Replies (4)


I now found a workaround, what I would like to get directly:

  1. Export my route to a CSV file, remove via text editor all points of the 2nd part. Retain the own named points (attachment)
  2. With e.g. the conversion tool ITN Converter on PC convert it to a GPX-eXchange file (attachment)
  3. This file can be imported by Locus. Loading it into the route planning, it looks very promissing (screenshot too large for you).

I had no chance to check, but I am convinced that this .gpx file can be used with any route planner on any device that support GPX-format. Therefore, it is this I want to gat as a standard route when exporting a GPX-route from your app.

Best wishes, Wolfgang


Hi Wolfgang,

just one advice: always use export to GPX as track. Don't use the "track-to-route" option. It has only very specific usage for some kind of navigating devices, e.g. old Garmins.


A better workaround is probably to change the own routing in locus from th original foot, bicycle,... to beeline connection and then export tu a GPX route. However, this is too simple to look for at first. I nevertheless think, that the export to a route should provide my version above for any locus route. To my knowledge, this is the standard route. For other purposes a track can be used.

With this option, the difference between route and track becomes obvious. One is for planning purposes with a routing software, the other is for following the way. Both makes sense.

More greetings, Wolfgang


Using a gpx (rte) route, you can then realise a design sure.
But each routing engine does its own thing with it, depending on the routing settings and preferences set.
And there is always that same familiar question of whether this is the result you really expected or maybe not?
In contrast, with a Locus compatible navigation track file, what someone has designed is also 100% identical to what you see after importing it into the navigation app and what you can or will ultimately navigate with. And as long as you are not going to recalculate this navigation track (neither manually nor automatically), there will not be an inch even of deviation from that design.


Import/Export is designed for data exchange with 3rd party systems. Thus, this your property is of course accepted, when exchanging routes, including your sample:

"Using a gpx (rte) route, you can then realise a design sure.
But each routing engine does its own thing with it, depending on the routing settings and preferences set."

This is nice to have for import/export:

"In contrast, with a Locus compatible navigation track file"

A track in this context is more likely as drawing the way on a paper map. It is fixed, you can follow it but it can only be changed rather complicated. But it is fixed as you want to present the way.

A route is only a set of marked points that are connected somehow. It can be yoused for own planning purposes by variing everything, e.g. start and endpoit, add or erase intermediate pois.

Both, tracks and routes have good reasons to exist side by side. It is a good idea, that locus provides the export and import of both for data exchnge with 3rd party apps. Locus routes however consist of hundreds of routing points if not exported from the bee line version of the route. Hundred routing points is far outside of a practicable route for editing purposes. Loading it into the route planner, I first have to delete 95 of them, before the data can be used for variations on the original. I am therefore faster, to use your route as a track (image) and use the route planner from scratch adopting points of interests from your route.

Therefore, the current usability of locus is, that I cannot export data of a hiking way for use and variation by a friend with a 3rd party system or for an internet community unless I export the bee line version. This coincides with the recommendation of Michal above.

But I found a usable workaround, even though I never saw a bee flying along a bee line...

Have a good night, Wolfgang


Hi Wolfgang.

Locus app operation itself does not require this.

This is why there is so little optimisation interest.

So a problem with a quick "case closed" ticket.

You expect a route with limited number of routepoints.

With the routepoints start, the via's (shaping) and finish.

What you expect however Locus does not export.
Locus current route export format is virtually useless.
An optimisation was once proposed but without effect.

So you will need to find another alternative source. :-((

Alternatives which do exactly what you want are out there.

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