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Unwanted map perspective effect

Dong-Geulami shared this problem 21 months ago
Not a Problem

I accidentally got a perspective effect on the map as shown in the screenshot
I want the map to look like a map without perspective effect. What should I do?

Replies (2)



This is possible only in an internal debug version of the app so we have absolutely no clue how this could happen on a public version. We've improved the blocking of this dev feature so please wait for an update.


Hello Michal,

Are you working on a perspective map view mode (= sometimes called 2.5D or 3D)?

I would highly appreciate that.

I highly appreciate, Locus is one of a few apps, with different routing options for different route segments.

But when moving faster (bicycle e.g.) that "perspective map view mode" is very convenient.

My workaround is to export the route as a track from Locus and then navigate along that track in Osmand+ (in perspective map view mode), but that is not an elegant way...



Hi, any other than 2D rendering of the map would require a different way of processing the map data, i.e. a complete rehaul of the map rendering core. So far, this is still, unfortunately, a long way to go for us.

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