Track recording and navigation in notification bar kills Wear OS functionality

Marius Moldovan shared this problem 21 months ago

I have Samsung watch 4 and when Locus is running with navigation to a point and with track recording on ,my watch is flooded with notifications about distance to the arriving point and notifications about distace recorded. I get new notification one for every 3 meters I walk..Cannot use my watch anymore..Think that track recording notification should not update on the watch and regarding navigation notification should only send notification to watch when I'm very close to the first change in direction(to a junction).. not every 3 meters like now..

Replies (1)


Hello Marius,

sorry for the delay in my answer. I was playing with the notification system on watches a day or two after you reported this problem, and found nothing. Then I've forgotten to answer, sorry.

Anyway, no other user reported the same problem. Does it still happen? Any idea what I should change on my device/watches to simulate the same behavior as you have?

Jiří M. aka Menion

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