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3.18.4 broke internal themes street and city

Thomas Kobler shared this problem 8 years ago
Not a Problem


[I love Locus Map for motorcycling. I use it a few weeks now on Android 5.1.1. Only Directory mapsVector and data/srtm are moved to external SD with write permission. All worked fine till one of the previous version of Locus three to four weeks I guess..]

Now only very little information and no colors are drawn and "thin" streets (e.g. with lomaps). Pls. see attached screenshot..

Summer and Winter Theme looks better (O.K. I guess, but have not used before).


Replies (21)


Sorry, I wanted to say that with the three to four week old version everything was fine, but 3.18.4 seems bad.

Openandromaps and element/elevate themes are fine even with lomaps. Also (themes of) Freizeitkarten..


Hello Thomas,

we've prepared new car theme as simple as possible with the main goal to prepare simple map for car navigation when the main symbols are shown in detailed zoom. The summer theme contains almost all information as old car theme.

We're open tp discussion - please feel free to describe what's wrong in car theme. I'd like to collect user's comments and customize the theme.

Thank you



Thank you for your answer. But the map with this theme is now entirely useless to find nice roads for motorcyling.

  • no colors indicating forests/hills/etc.
  • roads much to small (narrow) and
  • not easily possible to distiguish street classes (minor/major/autobahn) in the short time to look at the map while riding.

The current ones are completely worthless to me. Previously it looked almost like a decent Raster Map created by a cartographer (see attachment).

Please make the previous themes available (as an option). PLEASE.



For self (not auto/car) navigation on a motorcycle I need the following:

  • Streets artificial wide, to see all streets without zooming in (maximum street densitiy) See above example. A Street map should mainly contain streets. At best ALL - as much as possible. Even the unpaved as a single gray line. But always distinguishable from any paved road with double lines. Maps showing 95% background color are useless..
  • And (shading for) villages/citys or houses to see where there are no houses (and pedestrians, less cars, donkeys and speed limits :-)
  • green shading for forests
  • gray shading for hills
  • names of citys not vanishing when zooming in (write biggest last)
  • height lines and mountain (tops) and peaks to see where the roads needs to be winding and are going up and down.
  • markings for allowed or forbidden/closed streets.
  • markings for nice or difficult (interesting :-) streets if info available
  • All items needs to have as much contrast as possible. Currently all streets more or less orange on light pale pink is almost worst combination..
  • Camping sites / Hotels / Mountain huts / touristic highlights? (probably another layer..?)

  • If the map only looks 90% like Generalkarte/MairDumont in the end, I pay any price (see attachment, THIS IS A STREET MAP).

Thank you for listening. Thomas


Hello Thomas,

I can understand you and thank you for detailed summary. I'll discuss the future of car theme on team meeting next week. However when I think about your needs - have you tried the new summer theme? I guess that it should be useful for you (in case that you hide hiking and cycling routes). Would you please try it?

Thank you



Hello Petr,

Thank you again for your message and for the tip with the summer theme. It looks good; the only thing is: it might have not enough emphasis (meaning width or contrast) of streets (in the future?)

I guess, if you add a motorcycle theme (starting with the previous city or street), you will gain A LOT of new customers. Everyone I showed Locus Maps on the last tour I guided, was interested.

I would even suggest to bundle it with a device like the KENXINDA W9:

Mine will come the next days..

Do you think it is possible to have a theme, where winding roads outside of citys (or with a speed limit of 60km/h or higher :-) are marked/flaged? Only calculated from the OSM info and geometry data and high data? This would be the killer for TomTom, Garmin, etc on the motorcycle..



Hello Thomas,

thank you for comments. I'm sorry I'm not sure if motorbike theme is so vital for our users. However I have an idea to create some general theme that could cover the most of your needs.

Winding roads - honestly that's quite complex task and I don't see any big benefit.


I think perhaps you under estimate the number of people who ride motorcycles who use Locus and want to like it, but cant quite get there...A motorcycle theme will go a long way to that.

I posted on forum I am a member of that has a specific Locus thread asking what the users want....

When they respond I will put all of the information here.



Hi Thomas, do you use the BRouter custom profile containing the negative turncost parameter to prefer winding roads, as we talked about in April on BRouter forum ?


Hi Libor,

No, not yet. Normally I prefer to select my route manually, when the map provides enough indications for that. But during the winter months I will investigate the possibilities of BRouter, regarding winding roads.. Maybe I'll address you with further questions on that.. :-)



there were two main ideas that influenced new themes:

- To join Hiking and Cycling theme

- to make car theme quite simple that can be used mainly for navigation

Only trunk/motorway road's number are shown when you zoom out to large area. There was issue mainly in Germany/ Netherlands where map was fill up with map labels because there is quite lot of roads. The new themes are in progress so please feel free to share your ideas. Please see another topic:




Thank you for quick response. I'm going to read a topic you indicated.


General idea to make simple a road theme is OK. But now the simplification gone too far. Main thing for this theme disappeared - road labels, and even roads itself can vanish when map is zoom out.


Many of us ride motorbikes, both on road and on off road using old/bad/abandoned roads.

any idea to create a theme more to motorcycles?


Hello Dave,

please try mention Summer theme without hiking / cycling routes. Are there any other elements that are vital for motorbikes?

Thank you

Best regards



I can try I know others will have things to add as well, but.

We need to know where the fuel stations are.

Resturants/Dinners are also good.

Some of us Ride the gravel/b roads. Infact we prefer them.

Some who are VERY good riders want to ride Trails.

I want to see a GOOD contrast for the roads and everything else.

Hillside cotours would also be good.

I will have others add and comment as well.



I looked at your summer theme, I dont think it will work for motorcycles.

Its too vauge and I really dont need to see hiking trails.


It's possible to turn-off hiking

and cycling routes. I only want to know what element are needed for Motorbikes. So I'd like to compare current summer theme with your needs for motorbike theme. Thank you.


He may have thought the physical trails, regardless of marked routes. but as i can see, the opinion about the trails differs.


contour lines on/off

bold streets on/off

keep all the hiking/biking/similar trails


I tried to point that out already: The streets need emphasis by color and contrast and width. Every cartographer makes the streets much broader than they really are. Therefore the street density is much higher (more/all streets shown even with less zoom in) and so the usability and overview is a lot better with the small displays of Smartphones. I do all my trip planning not with a PC but on the fullHD display of a Xperia Z Ultra (in the last 11 years I used Pathaway with man (cartographer) made raster maps). Pls compare the provided Raster map to the current street theme.

I happily would pay additionally at least 10€ for a good motorcycle theme. And easily 10€ more, for the option to highlight/mark nice (winding, up and down) roads, like with the (manual) green markings along the recommended streets in good street maps created by cartographers. Again: see my provided example. The information to be displayed are all named already. (fuel stations, was a good addition).

I am very sure, that you would get hundreds of customers for such a theme..

e.g. news://$vhf$



The twisty, curvy roads would be nice, but I dont see that as a must have.

We need better and higher contrast on the roads and the road types. It would also help as above that the roads were widened somehow so we could see the road names at a fast glance.

If I take your summer theme, turn off the hiking and the mbt trails you are left with a very blank screen. The map does not show enough detail to use in my opinion


This came from another user:

I'd like a theme that will have even minor roads in an easy to

distinguish color like yellow. All the themes I've tried have forest

service roads in white, hard to pick out if you're also displaying


Also, displaying road and trail names at more points along the road would be great, especially near intersections.


It would deserve some voting with choices, but I am not sure if this helpdesk forum offers it.



thank you for your comments and ideas. The car theme will be little bit improved in next version. It's not radical solution only small improvements. More over we prepared simple voting system (directly in app) to get some feedback from our users.

Thank you



Hello Petr,

Thanks, that is very good.

could you provide the previous street and city themes for download (somewhere) to be able to use and compare to new ones. Thank you!



Yes, would it be possible to get the old built-in themes somehow?

I miss the 'car' theme that I used a lot when driving.


The old themes are available for downloading at



I picked them up and extracted to mapsvector --> works fine.


I'm to stupid for that. :-/

I tried to put the content of the zip file (with and without parent folder theme) into and also in parallel to mapsVector/_themes. On the internal SDcard folder (empty) and also in the external SDcard folder, where all the other vector maps are stored.

And I still get only the new (less informative) city and Street map. Should the old themes show up with/in seperate names/section? Do I have to refresh anything (i just restarted every time)

Do I have to install also the tag-mapping-tourist.xml file from the website?



Hello Thomas,

please download the *.zip into dafault folder for vector maps (/Locus/maspVector/_themes). It's very likely located in in internal memory.

The tag-mapping-tourist.xml file is not needed.



Thank you very much Petr, for your efforts!

But sorry, unfortuntely I can not see any change, after putting the zip into default and also the changed location (sdcardX/Locus/mapsVector/_themes) of internal and external SDcard).. still the thin and useless new themes..

I need to switch to openandromaps/Elements Theme..



Ohh I'm sorry - it's needed to unzip downloaded file and then put into /mapsVector/_themes


O.K. But with or without the main folder ("theme") found in the .zip?





and subfolders..


and do I have to refresh anything or just restart locus?



Correct path is sdcardX/Locus/mapsVector/_themes/theme/theme.xml.

Please only restart Locus app (close app using back button, wait for 5 second and then start again)


It seems the road style in latest Locus release does not distinguish highway=motorway and highway=trunk.


Difference is only in thicnknes of lines


Hmmm, it is not very handy....

If seen side by side, the difference is small. If there is no the other way to compare with and/or if operating at different zoom levels, it is not possible to tell....


I see. It's the same as other situations we discussed. I need to know more about context. Describe me the situation when you needed to distinguish highway / trunk. The problems that was caused by current solution, etc. I hope that you can understand me.


It is similar as the need to distinguish the road classes generally. Other road themes and other applications I am aware of distingush motorways and trunks by different colours, similarly as primaries, secondaries and tertiaries.

The difference is country and case dependent. For some countries the difference ( but the toll and maxlimit ) between motorrway and trunk is minimal, regarding vehicle restrictions and user convenience. For other countries it is big difference, and there are differences between trunks and trunks. I can even ride a bicycle on some trunks.


Hello Guys,

I'd like to find some consensus about new internal themes. There were some changes in the last two version that should reduced your complaints. Unfortunately some points are quite complicated and can not be implemented. Feel free to post some comments but for me it's almost completed.



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