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South Pole Maps

Luke H shared this question 20 months ago

Hello, i'm currently living at the South Pole station, and I'm trying to get a background map for Locus. Locus works fairly well at pole surprisingly, but there's obviously no maps. Even the Antarctica map doesn't work here. My goal is to take some aerial imagery and manually make a map based on known coordinates.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Replies (5)


Not Ross Island (that's McMurdo). I'm at Pole (90° South).


If it's that one:–Scott_South_Pole_Station, then there is no projection that I know which could cover the S/N poles.

You could do a brute force approach, though: "map" the South Pole area to an empty space in the Pacific, e.g. That however (by the tools that I am aware of), would need some crafting:

Turn the aerials into 256x256 tiles. The structure has the folder names representing the LON, while the png (or jpg) file names stand for the LAT.

LON can stay as it is, it's the LAT that need the transformation. A tool like MOBAC then can produce an (overlay) tile map.

So, the first question is: what is your control and tooling around the aerials ?



PS: I'd be curious to learn about other tools that could do the trick :-)


I have an ISS photo of the base from almost perfectly vertical I was hoping to manually map using known coordinates of various features. I figured with 3 known feature - coordinate pairs I could overlay any picture onto a map. I thought Locus had a feature like this, no? I'll check out MOBAC.
Thanks for the support


Of course it doesn't help that everything here moves 4ft a year... gotta love living on 9000ft of ice...


ah perfect, I was looking for this feature. Thank you


Hi Luke,

well, there are no maps because the default Locus offline LoMaps are not technically able to work >85 degrees (due to Mercator projection limitations).
The only option is so-called Orux Sqlite format that can work in arbitrary projection. But honestly, I'm not sure if there is any South Pole map available in this map format.
I'm sorry but I can't offer any simple or quick solution for you.

what you need to create a map in Orux Sqlite format ideally in EPSG:3031 There should be a desktop app called OruxMapsDesktop that may be used for the generation of the map in the mentioned format from raster GeoTIFF data.
Honestly, I'm not familiar with it ...

Thanks for understanding


We use Grid North down here (and near the North Pole), defined by the Prime Meridian as "North". It would be really nice if that was an option on Google Earth or Locus, but I get that there aren't many of us that care. Oh well, I'll see what I can do.


Thanks for the link, but this map cannot cover the South Pole (by definition).. because Mercator projection where poles are not defined.


Yes as Petr mentioned the issue is there's no way in Locus to use grid coordinates or for a map to go "past South". Here's what it looks like walking around the South Pole with a map image that's been 4 point calibrated.

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