Tracking Downhill ski

Thomas shared this idea 19 months ago
Gathering feedback


I want to use locus maps for downhill ski tracking. Therfore some functions are missing or I'm not able to find them:

- for tracking it should be possible that locus is able to differentiate between downhill and lift driving automatically (on garmin smartwatches this works).

- for evaluation it would be nice, that locus differentiate between downhill and lift driving also based on speed, distance, time, ... . Also counting of downhills would be nice.

Can you tell me if there is a possibility to use this functions? If not maybe you can and want to program it in the future :-)?

Thank you very much.

With kind regards

Thomas Neef

Replies (1)


Hi Thomas,

there is no such option in Locus Map. So far we haven't received such a request so we can put it as an idea for other users to vote.


Michal, Locus team

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