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locus map 4 does not connect to locus map free watch

Denis shared this question 19 months ago


After I downloaded locus map 4 on Galaxy A52S and locus map free watch on Galaxy watch Active 2, the apps won't connect. It gives me #not response for Locus map" and shuts down the locus map 4 app on my phone. Any advice?
Thank you

Replies (4)


Hi Denis,

please make sure Locus Map is excluded from all means of battery optimization so that it can work in the background and maintain the connection.


Thanks Michael, now is working fine.


I am having the same problem. I loaded Locus Map 4 Outdoor Navigation from Google Play on my Samsung Galaxy A50 phone running Android 11. I loaded Locus Map Free Watch from Samsung Galaxy Store on my Samsung Galaxy Watch 3.

The app on the phone works great if the app on the watch is not running. When I start the app on the watch it says "No response from Lucas Map and the app on the phone closes. The phone then wants to put Locus Map 4 into deep sleep. I think I have turned off all battery limitations for the app.


there may be an old version in the Samsung store. I would download from the PlayStore.



Try this.

Settings, apps, Locus map, Battery and mark Unrestricted, save. For me works fine.


Thanks I finally found out how to turn off battery optimize for this app. It was a little different than what you described. Mine was: Settings, Apps, Locus Map, Battery, Optimize battery usage, (pull down and set to all apps), Locus Map, (turn off optimize switch)

Thanks for the help Denis

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