[CZ] Jednoduchá tvorba LoPointů
Snažím se co nejvíce doplňovat fotografie k Lopointům, ale stále narážím na problémy s jejich absencí v mapě. Hlavně u objektů je často název uveden jen jako název objektu, ale ne jako bod. Tudíž k němu nejde doplnit fotografie - viz SCR kaple Panny Marie. Pokud to tak je, musím udělat na místě fotku. Doma zapnout PC najít to místo a doplnit bod přes OSM mapy, ovšem tam zase nejde přidat fotka, takže zase počkat i deset dnů než se bod objeví v Locusu. Je to hrozně zdlouhavé a člověku se do toho jednak nechce, jednak si už po nějaké době ani nevzpomene, že tam tu fotku má ještě přidat. Nešlo by udělat v Locusu nějaké jednoduché přidávání? Nemuselo by to mít všechny možnosti jako při zadávání v OSM. Stačilo by určit co to je a pak odeslat i s fotografií OSM komunitě s příznakem: "Rád bych, kdyby se na mé změny někdo podíval". Tuhle možnost nabízí i editor OSM map.
Rozhodně by to ale chtělo nějak vyřešit, hodně by se tím rozšířila nabídky Lopointů a samozřejmě i možností přidávání fotografií.
If the point is missing from OSM you can quickly add it on the spot. The best way is to use OSM-go
This can also be used to modify the map. Here would be helpful if it opens from Locus immediately with the point (API ?)
Then the point is immediately online in OSM. Now there should be the possibility in LoPoi to integrate quickly. Or assign the photo only to this OSM ID and upload later automatically.
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If the point is missing from OSM you can quickly add it on the spot. The best way is to use OSM-go
This can also be used to modify the map. Here would be helpful if it opens from Locus immediately with the point (API ?)
Then the point is immediately online in OSM. Now there should be the possibility in LoPoi to integrate quickly. Or assign the photo only to this OSM ID and upload later automatically.
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Thank you, I'll try the application. It could be a solution for me. But it would like something universal and simple for other users. If the database of points is to be improved, adding points must be easy. The user should click on the map location and add a point. It then send it with a photo for checking. Previously there were eight projects to take pictures of signposts and failed thanks to the complex procedure.
Thank you, I'll try the application. It could be a solution for me. But it would like something universal and simple for other users. If the database of points is to be improved, adding points must be easy. The user should click on the map location and add a point. It then send it with a photo for checking. Previously there were eight projects to take pictures of signposts and failed thanks to the complex procedure.
Yes I see it the same way, it should be simple. Click on location and you will see a button "new LoPoi". When I click on it OSM-go opens (the first time an explanation, instructions on how to install OSM-go and log in to OSM). Now I can enter a new point in OSM.
The same in LoPoi directly, here should be below a button "LoPoi change" then exactly this point ID is opened in OSM-go and I can change it. eg change opening hours, add phone number, parking access, etc..
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Yes I see it the same way, it should be simple. Click on location and you will see a button "new LoPoi". When I click on it OSM-go opens (the first time an explanation, instructions on how to install OSM-go and log in to OSM). Now I can enter a new point in OSM.
The same in LoPoi directly, here should be below a button "LoPoi change" then exactly this point ID is opened in OSM-go and I can change it. eg change opening hours, add phone number, parking access, etc..
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We'll see what Menion thinks. More heads, more ideas.
We'll see what Menion thinks. More heads, more ideas.
This idea also addresses that
This idea also addresses that
I didn't want to give it as a "idea". Lopoint content is a thing that might help Lucus to the greater marketability of the Gold version. It is a thing that all users will use. The vote is influenced by tens, maybe hundreds of users. But Locus certainly has a lot of other emberms. They may not have great demands, but they will certainly appreciate when they see interesting things on their route.
I didn't want to give it as a "idea". Lopoint content is a thing that might help Lucus to the greater marketability of the Gold version. It is a thing that all users will use. The vote is influenced by tens, maybe hundreds of users. But Locus certainly has a lot of other emberms. They may not have great demands, but they will certainly appreciate when they see interesting things on their route.
I think also so that they become more and more important. But they must be able to be maintained.
In the past, I paid little attention to them. But with the last changes ( Icon Open, parking free etc. and pictures) I use it more and more.
I quickly see if I can park there for hiking for free. I see if restaurants, museums are open, I have phone numbers and homepage.
Pictures and wiki make it perfect. I can see on the picture or wiki text whether a detour is worthwhile (castle, castle, etc.) Because there are also some where you can only see a ditch or foundation wall.
I think also so that they become more and more important. But they must be able to be maintained.
In the past, I paid little attention to them. But with the last changes ( Icon Open, parking free etc. and pictures) I use it more and more.
I quickly see if I can park there for hiking for free. I see if restaurants, museums are open, I have phone numbers and homepage.
Pictures and wiki make it perfect. I can see on the picture or wiki text whether a detour is worthwhile (castle, castle, etc.) Because there are also some where you can only see a ditch or foundation wall.
In the Czech Republic we have Mapy.cz, which have points processed very well. When I need some information, I always have to run their app. I am sorry enough and I would like Locus to have points processed too. Therefore, I focus on their completion and repairs. But it is so complicated that I forget many points after coming home. I'll try the app, but it would like some way of entering that would be simple in Locus.
In the Czech Republic we have Mapy.cz, which have points processed very well. When I need some information, I always have to run their app. I am sorry enough and I would like Locus to have points processed too. Therefore, I focus on their completion and repairs. But it is so complicated that I forget many points after coming home. I'll try the app, but it would like some way of entering that would be simple in Locus.
Hi, simplicity and quality of data doesn't stand on the same side sometimes. One of our focus is for sure improvements of our LoPoints data sets. With introducing LoMedia and working with another new details from OSM POI DB, the demand from community to have some data updated is increasing. But we don't want to make rushed moves here. We don't see much of reason now to integrate ability to add/edit OSM data directly within Locus Map where there are already dedicated apps for this. And I am talking mainly about OSM Go! app. We might consider to do some integration with this app, or for example promote it for such case, but it was not decided yet.
Regarding same topic, one of our recent step was moving some of new OSM data from hardcoded icons on LoMaps to interactive LoPoints, so I am confident to say we are moving ahead with quantity and quality of our LoPoints.
Hi, simplicity and quality of data doesn't stand on the same side sometimes. One of our focus is for sure improvements of our LoPoints data sets. With introducing LoMedia and working with another new details from OSM POI DB, the demand from community to have some data updated is increasing. But we don't want to make rushed moves here. We don't see much of reason now to integrate ability to add/edit OSM data directly within Locus Map where there are already dedicated apps for this. And I am talking mainly about OSM Go! app. We might consider to do some integration with this app, or for example promote it for such case, but it was not decided yet.
Regarding same topic, one of our recent step was moving some of new OSM data from hardcoded icons on LoMaps to interactive LoPoints, so I am confident to say we are moving ahead with quantity and quality of our LoPoints.
Jane, díky za odpověď. Částečná interaktivita s OSM GO! by jistě byla krokem kupředu. Nicméně to pořád neřeší ten problém s velkou prodlevou. V aplikaci bych si sice mohl vytvořit nový bod, ale stejně bych muset 10 dnů čekat, než se ukáže v Locusu a budu mu moci přiřadit fotografii. Řešením by mohl být kompromis, který zmiňuje Freischneider. Vytvořit bod v OSM Go! ale současně mít možnost k němu přiřadit fotografii. Ta by se pak automaticky načetla až by se bod objevil v Locusu. Jen si nejsem jistý, jestli naprogramovat něco takového není složitější než udělat nějakou vlastní funkci na přidávání bodů. V každém případě by to chtělo v dohledné době vyřešit, jinak sice budou přibývat fotografie, ale jen objektů, které jsou dobře zmapované. Což by byla škoda, při plánování trasy turistu často zajímají právě ty méně známé cíle, protože ty vyhlášené už ví jak vypadají.
Jane, díky za odpověď. Částečná interaktivita s OSM GO! by jistě byla krokem kupředu. Nicméně to pořád neřeší ten problém s velkou prodlevou. V aplikaci bych si sice mohl vytvořit nový bod, ale stejně bych muset 10 dnů čekat, než se ukáže v Locusu a budu mu moci přiřadit fotografii. Řešením by mohl být kompromis, který zmiňuje Freischneider. Vytvořit bod v OSM Go! ale současně mít možnost k němu přiřadit fotografii. Ta by se pak automaticky načetla až by se bod objevil v Locusu. Jen si nejsem jistý, jestli naprogramovat něco takového není složitější než udělat nějakou vlastní funkci na přidávání bodů. V každém případě by to chtělo v dohledné době vyřešit, jinak sice budou přibývat fotografie, ale jen objektů, které jsou dobře zmapované. Což by byla škoda, při plánování trasy turistu často zajímají právě ty méně známé cíle, protože ty vyhlášené už ví jak vypadají.
Another thing I noticed when adding photos. I like to add 2 or 3 photos from different perspectives every now and then. But it is very time consuming.
I choose add
Select photo
then I have to search where the photo is (folder, subfolder, google photo).
then I select one.
The next photo I have to search for the folder again. Here it would be nice if Locus remembers the old location and I only have to tap the next photo.
Even better would be I could select multiple photos from
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Another thing I noticed when adding photos. I like to add 2 or 3 photos from different perspectives every now and then. But it is very time consuming.
I choose add
Select photo
then I have to search where the photo is (folder, subfolder, google photo).
then I select one.
The next photo I have to search for the folder again. Here it would be nice if Locus remembers the old location and I only have to tap the next photo.
Even better would be I could select multiple photos from
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I think a simple way to add photos to the lopoints would be using geothent photos. Just change one button to: "Assign to Lopoint". It would be very simple even if it is an older photo. After clicking on the button it would be enough to click on the Lopoint icon and the photo would be automatically added.
I think a simple way to add photos to the lopoints would be using geothent photos. Just change one button to: "Assign to Lopoint". It would be very simple even if it is an older photo. After clicking on the button it would be enough to click on the Lopoint icon and the photo would be automatically added.
Thanks for the tips guys. We are evaluating UI changes to upload photos even more easily, but mass upload of multiple photos to one LoPoints by one user are not our priority. Generally we want to have as many LoPoints with image(s) and as many users participating in uploading images but not as many photos of one LoPoints from ONE user. We have cases where user upload 20 images to one LoPoint, but none of them shows good general overview about the place. That is why we are even considering to show disclaimer with warning when trying to upload more then 3 photos to same place. It make sense to do when user really know what he is doing, but the line between adding new "angle" or detail to the image portfolio of one LoPoint vs decreasing overall quality of its gallery is thin.
freischneider : I will ask guys about this. I agree that it must be panful to select correct dir everytime.
Josef: This is that simplicity vs quality of content, what I mentioned before. Honestly we want users to hand pick images for upload. So this is not planned for now. On other hand, we are evaluating similar feature to upload images to multiple LoPoints or to recorded tracks.
Thanks for the tips guys. We are evaluating UI changes to upload photos even more easily, but mass upload of multiple photos to one LoPoints by one user are not our priority. Generally we want to have as many LoPoints with image(s) and as many users participating in uploading images but not as many photos of one LoPoints from ONE user. We have cases where user upload 20 images to one LoPoint, but none of them shows good general overview about the place. That is why we are even considering to show disclaimer with warning when trying to upload more then 3 photos to same place. It make sense to do when user really know what he is doing, but the line between adding new "angle" or detail to the image portfolio of one LoPoint vs decreasing overall quality of its gallery is thin.
freischneider : I will ask guys about this. I agree that it must be panful to select correct dir everytime.
Josef: This is that simplicity vs quality of content, what I mentioned before. Honestly we want users to hand pick images for upload. So this is not planned for now. On other hand, we are evaluating similar feature to upload images to multiple LoPoints or to recorded tracks.
Thanks, I see it the same way. 20 images is way too much. The limit of 3 photos makes perfect sense. I wouldn't even allow more than 4 or 5 per user.
If it gets too much and the storage gets too expensive, then I would only allow the first 10 best rated. Then delete the rest. But I think that's not an issue at the moment.
Thanks, I see it the same way. 20 images is way too much. The limit of 3 photos makes perfect sense. I wouldn't even allow more than 4 or 5 per user.
If it gets too much and the storage gets too expensive, then I would only allow the first 10 best rated. Then delete the rest. But I think that's not an issue at the moment.
Hi guys,
useful, but not too simple to solve the topic.
The first small step = an issue on the OsmGo repo, we will see.
The time need to wait till the update is processed on our server is problematic. It is more question on the @Radim Večerek . How frequently he may do the full update or if there is an option to just do some kind of partial update with the known place where the new point was added ...
Hi guys,
useful, but not too simple to solve the topic.
The first small step = an issue on the OsmGo repo, we will see.
The time need to wait till the update is processed on our server is problematic. It is more question on the @Radim Večerek . How frequently he may do the full update or if there is an option to just do some kind of partial update with the known place where the new point was added ...
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