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Several problems after update from 3.60.2 to 3.66.2

Wolfgang shared this problem 23 months ago


I have several problems after the update.

1. "Automatic map loading" doesn't work anymore. OpenAndroMaps v4 from May 2022

2. I cannot generate the small preview image in the track overview (Sreenshot Preview image). The first three (not existing) images are the result of trying it in 3.66.2, the other three were the images of 3.60.2

3. I want to edit the values of "Automatic zoom", but I can't see the speed values (Screenshot Automatic zoom)

Android 13, private folder on SD card

Do you have an idea, what's wrong with my installation?


Replies (5)



please download the latest version of the maps and themes. There were made updates in the map engine and it could cause malfunctions of the maps that were created for the previous version. After that Auto-loading and previews should work properly.

Thank you for the feedback about the auto-zooming issue. I passed this information on to the developers. For now, if you rotate the phone to landscape mode, it should help.


Zdenek, Locus team


Hello Zdenek,

thank you for your answer. I downloaded actual maps and themes - and yes, now the "Automatic map loading" and the generation of the small previews works as before. Thank you!

As before means: like the last months (maybe few years). On long tracks Locus isn't able to generate these small previews - several versions ago this worked. But I don't know when this function was dropped.

I'd be happy, if this could work again. But it's not really important.

In the attached screenshot the second track (2022-09-08 Bremen zurück) is an example. Also the track 2022-09-06 HH Bremen is similar.

Concerning auto-zoom: I can live with this workaround




this feature is still there and it works correctly for me.

But for the correct function, you must have an offline map for the area of the route. In other cases, Locus doesn't have anything to generate from.


Zdenek, Locus team


Hello Zdenek,

in my case it doesn't work...

Until now I use the OpenAndroMaps Germany South and Germany North together with a "Pre-load global map" OAM-World-1-10-J80.mbtiles. All maps are offline maps.

The track "2022-09-08 Bremen zurück" is completely covered only with both maps (Germany North and South), so I installed Germany (in one map) to try to avoid problems because of the two maps. But I can't generate the preview image... even when I switch off the Pre-load global map it is not possible...

What could I try next?

best regards


For others finding this topic: "Automatic map loading" is easily restored by clearing the cache from within Locus. Just did that on my wife's Android 11 phone and before on my own Android 12 Motorola.

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