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Geocaching: add red point of computed Coordinates to all icons

Sonny shared this problem 23 months ago


yesterday I stumbled about a problem regarding "computed" Geocaches, which are Caches with corrected coordinates. Usually they are indicated with a little red point in the top right corner of the cache icon on the map.
I went with a friend to a Mystery-Cache I already found many years ago but I couldn't remember its final any more. Although I had its corrected coordinates in Locus, I thought this are just the header coords because Locus didn't show the red point on the "found-smiley"-icon.

Please also add the red point of computed Caches for all possible icons on the map, in particular:
- found, DNF, owned, Disabled, Archived

Replies (5)


Hi Sonny,

thanks for the push. I've completely recreated the system for the geocaching icons, so it will be possible to display various combinations. So this "issue" should be solved in the next app version.


In the release notes of latest Locus classic v.3.67.0 it is written:" completely new and more flexible system for geocaching icons" with a link to this thread.
But unfortuantely I don't see any change regarding red points of computed caches which are:
- found, DNF, owned, Disabled, Archived


Hi, I've forget to mention, that it is necessary to refresh the icons of the caches. The best to do it is simply to update cached over any method (Locus Map, Geocaching4Locus, PQ files, ...).

Let me know if it works correctly for updated caches, thanks.


🤩🤩 WOW! What an improvement. The best one since a long time in Geocaching. All wishes came true, now we can see every info we want to know on the map's icons!

Thanks a lot Menion!


Right, all combinations are now possible + possible to quite easily improve it later 😊.

And the good news is that I've also prepared all combinations as icons (almost 1500 icons) for the web, so if you use web planner + sync of your points on the web, icons should be finally identical also there (soon).

Enjoy it!


but there is also bad news,

to see the changes you have to update the caches.

For found caches, the corrected coordinates are then overwritten with the mystery coordinates and you have lost the solution.

In this case, the red dot is no longer displayed.


It is not so bad I think. Old caches are displayed with the old system, then new/updated benefits from the new system.

I wanted to prevent some big iteration over all points and refresh its icons as this causes a re-sync of all points to the web. We may do it later if you consider this as needed, but firstly web needs to support these icons as well ...


# It is not so bad I think. Old caches are displayed with the old system

thats not the problem

if i currently run an updade for my found caches i lost the final coords and if i´ve been ask as TJ i can´t help


Where did you store your final coords? If you entered them in a Caches' listing at as corrected coords (what I recommend!) they are also updated within Locus. An alternative is also the use of GSAK to save Final coords.

If you just saved them within Locus (which is not a good idea - if you lost your phone, or a malfuntion of Locus deletetes all your pointdatabase - everthing will be lost). In this case Menion will have to advice you what to do. Maybe the creation of a GPX-file with all your Caches and later import this .GPX file.


Hmm, I'm now a little bit confused balloni. What you describe is not related to this "problem" created by Sonny and is in the app probably since begin, am I right? If so, it should deserve a separate topic or if Sonny won't have a problem with it, we may continue here. What I would appreciate, is some exact steps on how to simulate it, so we avoid some confusion in different problems or different steps, thanks!

Btw. we have a really old idea with uploading corrected coordinates back to web, that may be related to this right? 52 votes, maybe a good time to do something with it ...



thank you for your explanation

it usually concerns bonus caches which were solved outdoor

# If you just saved them within Locus (which is not a good idea - if you lost your phone

a backup is run daily and a cloud sync is run from time to time


exactly, the "old idea" would solve the problem.

until the idea is implemented I will create outdoor for the final coordinates always a new waypoint this is not overwritten by a cache update.

in addition, a warning message in Locus would be good, which points out the problem when trying to overwrite the listing coordinates.


@balloni55 please describe step by step:

- how you do (first) fill your Geocaching point database

- how do you correct coordinates within Locus (do you correct the Headercoordiantes or do you add a Final-"Waypoint" within the tab "WAYPOINTS" of a cache)

- how do you keep your cache database up-to-date? (by refreshing via PQ, or via GC4L-plugin or via GSAK-GPX export).

Many possibilities - nobody knows exactely your workflow yet.

I just corrected the headercoordinates of a GC, then updated this cache via GC4L-plugin - and the corrected coordinates stayed, they were not deleted. So it seems you use another method.


sorry for making trouble

I am no longer able to reproduce the error i´ve described.

On my geocache round today the changed lising coordinates remained even after an update.


answers to your questions

I have a folder for each cache type, which I fill in the homezone each with a PQ.

Outside the homezone I use the "search for geocaches" type specific from LM4 and store them additionally in the corresponding folder.

The folders are updated weekly via GC4L

Thanks for your answers and support


This is really interesting. If you find something that may allow me to simulate this issue, please let me know. It may also worth checking if updates over G4L or directly over Locus Map make any difference. Thank.s


hello menion

when is an update performed directly via locus without GC4L?


These options are now made directly by Locus Map. So the only main benefits of G4L that remain are live map and direct download of single cache over the cache code (I would like to cover both soon).



#These options are now made directly by Locus Map.

did you mean in next beta?

when I log out of my account in GC4L, no update is performed


What do you mean by "update"? Do you mean an "Update the cache" button directly in the detail of the cache? This button is provided by the G4L. But if you download the caches over the first option "Search for caches" on the screen in my previous post, it is completely independent on the G4L.


#What do you mean by "update"? Do you mean an "Update the cache" button directly in the detail of the cache?

exactly and an update complete folder with 1000-2000 caches at once.

#So the only main benefits of G4L that remain are live map and direct download of single cache over the cache code

I had understood this statement to mean that you can now also update complete folders with Locus, which is a great benefit.

the mentioned cache search with locus is limited to max 500 caches and in case of complete folder update also very cumbersome


Good point. So another piece of functionality to do. Damn :)

Oki, it will then take a little extra time till G4L should be fully replaced.

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