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Norwegian maps

Kjell Berglund shared this problem 15 months ago
Not a Problem

I can no longer add Norwegian maps from 'kartverket'. This lowers the value locus maps has for my personal use. I'm not going to continue my gold subscription if this can't be fixed. The only available maps option are the Lomaps, and they simply aren't good enough.

Replies (2)



thank you for the report. There was a problem; maps were incorrectly tagged in the Locus Store. It's fixed now.
Please open Menu > Map manager > PLUS button > add more maps > search for 'kartverket' and add topo or sailing map

Thank you



I'm sorry but the problem I have is still there. When I find the maps, I click add, it then downloads 0.14 kb (same amount each time), then stops and says "process unsuccessful". Screenshot of error message.

Tried adding the same maps using WMS - also unsuccessful. Just being asked to "re-initialize" endless times.

I really have tried many times. It used to be simple, but I can't get it to work anymore


Thank you for the screenshot. I guess that the issue may be caused by problem mentioned at

Could I kindly ask you to send me screenshots from:

- "Menu > About the app/Helpdesk > About the app"

- "Menu > Settings > Misc. > Default directories > Set custom sub-directories"



Thanks a LOT for the help. Sorry for bothering you with something that was fixed - once I opened the "set custom sub-directories" I saw the problem - I no longer have a sd card ..

Fixed according to the problem you refer to. The maps now work - and Locus Map is again my favourite app!

Feeling a little stupid :)


No need to apologize. I'm glad that's solved

Thanks, Petr

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