POI present in OSM data base are missing in LoMaps POI database (here: camp_site)

Michael Mayer shared this problem 13 months ago
Not processed

Some essential POI (here: camp_site which are present in OSM (checked on 04.06.2023) (see attachment) are missing in LoMaps POI example "Lövekulle camping" and "Nossebrobadets Camping" in Sweden.

Update of LoMap of Sweden has been performed on 30.05.2023.

This issue could be linked to the classification of camp_site of type="multipolygon", both missing camp_site are of this type="multipolygon".

(see 2nd attachment)

Please consider to correct this when converting OSM to LoMaps.

Thanks and Best Regards,


Replies (1)


Hello Michael, thanks for your report. The missing POIs are indeed caused by the fact that they are OSM relations, this is well spotted. But it only happens in the offline dataset of POIs, bundled with the LoMaps. Online, independent dataset of POIs works with relations and has both campsites. This is not very good, we know, unifying the datasets is one of the jobs to do.eb6ec3e2d5f035523c6c1dc829f46b3b


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