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Search for category of LoPoints shows all LoPoints on map

druki shared this problem 20 months ago
Not a Problem

Steps to reproduce:

Use the new search by input of a LoPoints category like i.e. "toilets", you get a search result which shows nearby toilets in the list and on the map.


On the map, besides those toilets, all other LoPoint symbols are also displayed.


Only those symbols that the user has previously marked for display and additionally the LoPoints that match the search criteria (the category) are displayed. No other LoPoints.

It is a bit confusing if such a large ammount of LoPoints is displayed if the user wants to focus on the smaller scope of symbols on the map.

Replies (5)


Hi Druki,

thank you for your report. This behaviour is the same as highlighting some category in web planner. There will be some discussion in the future about some improvements, but for now it is intended behaviour.


Hello Marek, I tried to reproduce the display in the Web View and without a login, the search compared woth the App displays different views for the same category.

See example with category "Bildungseinrichtung" (educational institution?) for the small village Schmalegg near Ravensburg, Germany. In the Webview only the school is displayed. In the App (Locus 4 Gold), also the busstops, a shop and several other icons from different other categories are displayed.

I have attached the two screenshots for Webview and App. They differ.

By the way: if I choose Offline LoPoint Management in the App, the icons look different (style without frames/borders). And I can choose which category or search result is displayed (I even can choose to display sll nearest points if I like). The excellent usability of the Ofline LoPoint Management in the App could be used as reference how to manage the display of LoPoints, not the Webplaning view that I have never used (because the app is great).


Hello Marek, I tried to reproduce the display in the Web View and without a login, the search compared woth the App displays different views for the same category.

See example with category "Bildungseinrichtung" (educational institution?) for the small village Schmalegg near Ravensburg, Germany. In the Webview only the school is displayed. In the App (Locus 4 Gold), also the busstops, a shop and several other icons from different other categories are displayed.

I have attached the two screenshots for Webview and App. They differ.

By the way: if I choose Offline LoPoint Management in the App, the icons look different (style without frames/borders). And I can choose which category or search result is displayed (I even can choose to display sll nearest points if I like). The excellent usability of the Ofline LoPoint Management in the App could be used as reference how to manage the display of LoPoints, not the Webplaning view that I have never used (because the app is great).


Hello Marek, I tried to reproduce the display in the Web View and without a login, the search compared with the App displays different views for the same category.

See example with category "Bildungseinrichtung" (educational institution?) for the small village Schmalegg near Ravensburg, Germany. In the Webview only the school is displayed. In the App (Locus 4 Gold), also the busstops, a shop and several other icons from different other categories are displayed.

I have attached the two screenshots for Webview and App. They differ.

By the way: if I choose Offline LoPoint Management in the App, the icons look different (style without frames/borders).

And I can choose which category or search result is displayed (I even can choose to display sll nearest points if I like). The excellent usability of the Ofline LoPoint Management in the App could be used as reference how to manage the display of LoPoints, not the Webplaning view that I have never used (because the app is great).


Do you recommend that I create a new chagerequest for the Webview to get a better usability in the App? Or is there allready a ticket/topic about usability of LoPoints Webview that you can refer as a link?

Anyway, it is a bit strange for me as a user to deal with functionalities in different scopes (Webview vs. Appview) where I only would love to see excellent usability which I am used in the focus of the app. 😉


sorry for several posts, it was not possible to edit. Please only regard the last reply.


Hi Druki,

which version of Locus map are you using?


I'm using Locus Map 4.17.2


Version from Google Play or some beta?


Google Play with Beta Program. See screenshots.


Yes, there is bug in latest beta version. It will be fixed in next release.

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