Support for forward events in audio coach

koran99 shared this idea 19 months ago
Gathering feedback

Like the oruxmaps gp version, I would appreciate it if the audio coach could add statistics until the remaining distance to the destination, the time it takes on the way, and the time it arrives at the destination.

常道 金學聖

Replies (1)


Please add the following in the audio coach menu. There is no choice menu in locus4, so I have no choice but to run oruxmaps at the same time and hike, but it's a little uncomfortable. 

1. Distance to arrival. 

2. Estimated time enroute. 

3. Estimated arrival time

常道  金學聖

-------- 원본 이메일 --------

발신: Locus Map <>

날짜: 23/7/15 오후 4:35 (GMT+09:00)

받은 사람: koran99 <>

제목: Re: Audio coach add menu please!

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