Screen on/off depeding on mobile phone orientation

Wolfgang shared this idea 18 months ago
Gathering feedback


I use locus most of the time when I am hiking (Geocaching) that means I have my mobile phone in the hand and from time to time I look on the display.

I'd like to have an automatic display on and off feature dependent on the orientation of the mobile phone currently is.

When I walk I have it in my left hand and the orientation is almost perpendicular to the ground.
And when I look at it it's almost horizontal.

Please add a feature to depend screen on and off to the orientation of the mobile phone. And sure we need a sensitivity to adjust this by ourself e.g. to set angel degrees when the display is off or on.

Thanks Wolfgang

Replies (3)


very limited use scenario, just use tasker as thats available already....


I would not say that this is a limited use scenario - it's absolutely sustainable to save energy.

Years ago I tried different third party solutions which all never really worked together with locus or which have been absolutely dependent on the device brand I used.


But in terms of how much resources the locus develoeprs would be putting to this feature, when the same fuctionality cana be replicated in tasker, many locus users integrate tasker and locus together. have you tried with tasker yet....


I guess the resource planning is not our job.

BTW the screen off/on already exists. It just needs an extra trigger: read gyroscope sensor and trigger. That's all.


If you already have the phone in your hand, you can also press the power button. Automatic on and off only makes sense when it is on the handlebar or car mount. The application is extremely rare. I also recommend Tasker.


I already know the power button which I use but my new device has the fingerprint on the power button and this makes not fun. I cannot recommend tasker or also macrodroid not at all.


So it sounds like you want a new feature added to locus that can be achieved by both A the power button and B Tasker automatically. Simple thing is if this idea gets many votes, then Menion may implement it, but its been discussed and alternatves suggested....thats all that can be done....


Here in the forum are other requests which can be done with other software e.g. tasker. In life mostly exist an other solution but people have reasons why they don't prefer these.

You told me a possible way and I told you I already know that way but it does not fit my needs. Point. That's all. You can down- or up- vote the task instead of continuing with a "discussion" around the same point.

Afterwards the locus team will once decide if they are interested or not. That's how feature requests work.


Hello Wolfgang, guys

very interesting and very specific (specific to your use-case) task to be true. I, for example, very usually wear a phone in my pocket so it is 100% vertical. Should I have a different option for this in the app settings? Hmm, even though I'm not experienced with the Tasker, I think it is a good idea to give it a try with the help of Alistair and freichneider if they find some time, what do you think guys?

You wrote "it does not fit my needs. Point", but this does not satisfy me, cause I believe it should work. I may hardly prepare a better solution then the one possible over the tasker ...


Happy to help anyone with tasker/locus integrations...Wolfgang, just reply if you wish to pursue...


Hey Menion, thanks for you thoughts.

holding in the hand or having in the pocket is almost the same orientation.

But it's okay to decline it - I come from the part of battery drain, because I stopped to switch it on and off every few minutes.

Tasker is banned by myself since my last rooted phone I have quit with it and I don't want to use it or a similar app (for the moment). But thanks to Alistair for the offer to help. I know the app and I am able to use it, which you sure can't know.

The world ist not going down without that feature and Locus will remain one of my mostly used apps.


If some one is interested or curios have a look the the app phyphox and start there the Inclination task. There you can see how easy it can be to determine the orientation. If one of both tilt is higher than e.g. +-40 degree this could almost be defined as in the pocket or in the hand,... so there only two configuration parameters would be needed. But these should be configurable by user.

But what I don't know how easy it is to get these tilt angels out of the phone.


phphox is an awesome app, helpfull devleoper, managed to use arduino, phyphox and tasker to amke a sonar system for my locus its one of those " i cant believe we can do this with a phone" apps

it does show well what sensor values the phone can generate, but its display only, it cant react....

tasker and Falcos locus tasker plugin and locus api can send info and commands to locus, but there isnt much options for locus itself to react to locations/conditions apart from the poi alert, which is limited.

if there were api options for reacting in locus on orientaion, poi proximity, guidance deviation, navigation states, then TTS responses, popups, screen reactions ( on/off/fullscreen), presets, beeps and even better outputs that can be acted on by tasker....this would achieve what wolfgang wants, allow some logic steps for non tasker users, and also help with some of my tasker/locus projects....i have to use taskers location infomation, as locus cant react automatically....

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