Cycling profiles ignore cycling paths

Walther Schubert shared this problem 16 months ago
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I already reported this issue and thought it has been fixed.

Although the mao shows cycling paths, they are not used when planning cycling routes.

Currently this happened in the city of Narbonne.

Apparently map data and routing data are not in sync.

Similar issue: one way roads are not known.

Replies (9)


Hello Walther, could you please show me some examples of wrong routing so I can reproduce it and determine the exact cause? Or direct me to the previous report. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience. Radim.


Are these bike paths also registered in OSM. Only if they are registered there knows the router so that there are some.


They are marked as such in OSM and visible depending on the style.


Hi Radim,

They are marked as such in OSM and visible depending on the style.

I am using the styles from OpenAndromaps. Maybe they show cycling path which are not real separated lanes, but shared lanes where the cycling path is just marked on the road.



Viele Grüße

Walther Schubert


Regarding cycling paths: In reality from what I see there are no real cycling paths marked on the road. (I inspected some aerial maps - see pictures). the reason why there are cycling paths rendered on maps provided by Locus is this: These are long, maybe even international ways for long distance cyclists. This is also the reason why are these cycling paths rendered in such a disconnected style. So I see nothing horribly wrong here. Is this what you mean, Walther? Of course this is just an isolated example...



Sorry, the other picture did not attach



Regarding one ways: For cycling, wrong direction in one way streets is NOT strictly forbidden. The reason is we can dismount the bike and push for a few meters. Anyway this should be "last resort", when the alternative is to long or inconvenient. The picture shows a situation where there is too much cycling in the wrong direction. I have fixed that, once we publish again, it will be fixed publicly for all. Thanks for reporting this.




Great! Thanks for fixing this.

- Walther


I think this has nothing to do with long distance cycling paths.

The real situation is that cars and cycles share the same road and the stripe for cycles is just separated by a white line.

I have been misleaded by the OAM style which shows the cycle lane next to the road, whereas the Locus style shows it on the road.

And thr routing planner displays the track just on the road, what is not wrong.

So this is not a bug -- on has just to know.

(The OAM style is slightly better to this regard, though, because it clearly displays existing cycle lanes.)

But thank you anyway for looking at this.

- Walther

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