Creating a new group, decide if this new group will be in both tracks and points, or only one

Axel Cordes shared this idea 15 months ago
Gathering feedback

Hello, it would simplify some tasks if we could add a new group directly into both, the points and tracks. I usually have to do both -... you may add a checkbox on which you like to add, I would check both then...

What do you think on that?

Thanx & Cheers Axel

Replies (3)


It would be better for tracks and points to be combined....for points and tracks to be able to be in multiple groups, more like a label situation like gmail.....

Menion suggested a trips idea in the past......


Hi guys,

work already in progress. ETA? Hopefully June 2024.


For the trips feature? Awesome, looking forward to it...


Thank you - that sounds great ! Cheers Axel


The final solution is: to merge points & tracks into a single system. So you will be able to have points or tracks or both in every group. (so no "Trips" as discussed before).

It anyway requires two major tasks:

  • completely new database (+ migration of the old)
  • completely new UI of the Data manager (now My library)

It is a task mainly on me and I expect 5+ months to make it all fully working (starting in December).


That sounds excellent....

-It would be good if track/point can be in multiple groups, and from the point/track see which groups its in.

-It would be good if the group itself could have some infomation, ie notes, and attachments, this would achieve the affect of trips.

IE if you were going on holiday you could attach url of hotel, PDF of tickets etc....


@Menion: Great!

@Alistair: +1 :)

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