Navigation problems.

40° shared this problem 13 months ago

If you are traveling along a route and you need to stop by to see something and then return back, then there are serious errors with the navigation commands. I came across this situation a few days ago when I was cycling in the bitter cold. Since the phone's battery runs out quickly in the cold, I decided to put the phone in my pocket and follow the voice commands of the navigator.

Here is my route: .
When I was at the point "78 km to the finish line", Locus gave me the command "turn left after 300 meters", but at this point there is no road to the left. In addition, the "go straight" command is displayed at this intersection. I was driving straight. When I returned and approached the same intersection, the Locus was silent, although I was waiting for the command to "turn left". And I was driving by until I heard the command "You're off the route." This situation has been repeated in every such case.

There I also drew a small test route "78 km to the finish line": and the locus at this intersection has already set the waypoints differently, and these points are also wrong.

As a result, it is completely unrealistic to use voice navigation commands, they are misleading.

In addition, routing in the scheduler also occurs with incorrect routing points.

In addition, I found that in test mode (when GPS is disabled), voice prompts are not voiced when driving along the route, previously it worked exactly.

Tested on versions of Locus Map 3 Classic 3.68.2 3.69.2 3.70.3 3.70.4

If my explanations are unclear, I can record a video.

Best Answer

Hi, it is possible to add navigation points to the route, see As for the waypoints that are not announced - we know about this issue and the devs have it in their queue.

Replies (7)


Hi Vyacheslav,

several factors influence the distribution of voice commands during the navigation:

- what router did you use for planning the route? Or is the route imported from outside of Locus Map?

- what kind of recalculation priority do you use? Point (viapoint or destination) or route?

- during the route planning - do you place the shaping points or via points behind intersections so that the router knows your intended direction?


To plan a route, I use or the built-in scheduler. This does not affect the result. More precisely, the results are different, but both with errors.

I don't use route recalculation. In the navigation settings, the automatic recalculation of the route is set to "Without recalculation". Recalculating the route manually, I tried both options. This did not affect the voice navigation error in any way. The error remains.

I have read your recommendations on the placement of planning points and am placing them outside the intersections. I have provided links to my routes. The location of the planning points is clearly visible there.

Take a look at the screenshot. Under no circumstances should the highlighted turn commands contradict each other. They must match.


Vycheslav, if you export the route from as a GPX, and import it to Locus Map, the navigation commands are generated from the shape of the route, not based on the intersections because GPX format does not hold the navigation commands nor any information about the intersections - the file contains just the route line defined by routepoints and waypoints. If you plan the route directly in Locus Map planner, it's much better - the commands are directly generated by the BRouter app. Unfortunately, we have no influence on BRouter's quality of performance, it is not our product, we only use its help. Neither do we have an influence on the quality of the local OSM data from which the route and navigation commands are generated.

As for your screenshot - where exactly does this happen? Could you send the coordinates? Thanks


> the navigation commands are generated from the shape of the route, not based on the intersections because GPX format does not hold the navigation commands nor any information about the intersections - the file contains just the route line defined by routepoints and waypoints.

This is the case I'm talking about. The algorithm for calculating maneuvers does not always work correctly, and I suggest correcting it.

> where exactly does this happen? Could you send the coordinates?


Download this route here:


Upload it to Locus and start navigation.


Look at the route on the screen next to point 62.
The maneuver screen shows the "Turn left" maneuver. This is wrong. The left turn should be on the way back.
The "Straight ahead" maneuver is indicated on the route line. That's right.
There is no "Turn around" maneuver. This is wrong.

Open the route composition and pay attention to the navigation point at 8.3 km. It's a left turn. This maneuver should be performed at a distance of 9.2 km. This is a mistake.
The "Move straight" command is completely missing from the list. This is a mistake.
The "Turn around" command is missing in this case. This is a mistake.


This is the case I'm talking about. The algorithm for calculating maneuvers does not always work correctly, and I suggest correcting it.

The problem is well known. There is an idea for this. But implementing it is not easy. Perhaps you also have something to contribute here on how it could be done.


The topic is interesting, and I vote for it too.
But still, too often warning you and directing you in the other direction are two different things. I agree to tolerate too many correct commands instead of one wrong one, or silence in the place where you need to turn.


The cause lies entirely with Locus. Locus navigation easily malfunctions on out and return T tracks.
This has been reported but was not addressed.
To navigate with Locus such out and returns you unfortunately so have to set strict navigation.
Locus only offers very strict to trackpoints by which you then don't navigate very comfortably
Locus does not offer strict to viapoints and Locus does not recognise via points in u-turn_via combinations :-((
Cruiser navigates such out and return Locus gpx navigation tracks. Strict is not needed.


The link does not open.
Strict route tracking is enabled. It doesn't help.


In bikerouter web > Options > set turninstructionMode"locus-style".
In turnInstructionCatchingRange > better replace 40m default into 4m.
Don't forget to Push Apply !
To export as gpx navigation track, push the download panel between Close and Export route.
The turn instructions as generated by the BRouter are than attached and ready to use.


I didn't know that before.
Theoretically, it works exactly as I expected.
As a workaround, this is quite a working option.
While the creators of Locus fix the navigation in the program, I will use this method.
Thank you very much.


The link.

A virtual replay (fast) and navigation test.


Hi Vyacheslav,

thank you for reporting this bug. It has been added to the devs' queue for the next months to fix.


we'll wait. thanks


Just going to add in that voice navigation has always been unreliable for us.

It would be nice to be able to add our own navigation commands in the route planner that are exclusively voiced by the app. (In example: Upcoming intersection turn right)

We Don’t need constant voice updating or navigation in curves.


I support this idea. But I would like to expand it. I would like to be able to add points on the route with text that will be read out by voice when approaching such a point, depending on the distance along the route. then it will be instructions before turning, or a warning about dangerous places, or a description of interesting places, or just funny stories about a long journey. :-) I must say right away that the existing notification mechanism for approaching locus points is poorly implemented and it is almost impossible to use it.


Hi, it is possible to add navigation points to the route, see As for the waypoints that are not announced - we know about this issue and the devs have it in their queue.


You can change a shaping point to a via point and give it a name. The name is then read out.


Michal Stupka, freischneider thank you guys so much for such a hint. I have been using Locus for a long time and have read the instructions many times, but I have not seen this knowledge.

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