Locus Photo with Android 14

Vincent Breton shared this question 11 months ago

With Android 14 it is impossible to reach the path where the photos are stored. My question is there a way to see those so I can copy it and use it outside of Locus ? Maybe it will be a good idea to add photos directory in the multimedia style so we can see it like map vector or to put the Locus photos directly in a sub directory in the default Android multimedia directory. Thanks

Replies (3)


The directory can already be moved in the new beta. Use the beta or wait another 2-3 weeks and it will be officially released.


Hi Vincent,

we've been testing an option to set the /Android/Media/ directory as the default storage for the /Locus/ main folder. If you are interested, you can test it too. Download from


will it update locations of photos for existing POI

so if you have a point that has media of /sdcard/Photos/123.jpg

they will automatically become /Android/Media/123.jpg etc


The paths to the attached photos should not change.


so for people who have photos already attached to POI, if they move the photos and subfodlers to Android/Media does that mean that the paths will be broken


Yes, but that would happen in any Locus Map version. But if the photos are taken via Locus Map and are stored in Locus/data/media, they'll remain within the Locus file structure and the paths won't be broken.


It's a good news. The is already in Android/Media but only 2 directory are in (maps and mapsvector). Do you mean you will add access to all the Locus directory. Does its only access who will change or you will move the files ? Also, I suppose if we can access the photos, we will be able to backup it on Google Drive or OneDrive. So we will be able to restore it if phone crash or lost.

An other interesting features will be to sync photos to the Locus web, but I understand it can need a lot of space. A solution can be to be able to sync locus photos (do in Locus when add to a point or geocache) to a locus directory on Google Drive so photos will be available on many phones and also on the Locus web site for Gold people like me because if I need to see photos, I will just need to logging to Google Drive. Hope some of my ideas are not crazy.


you would need to use a seperate app to see them in google drive like folder sync but that should be possible, i used to do that with earlier android versions....issue for me is i dont want to have to organise photos in 2 places, google photos plus the local photos in locus.....


@vincent Set the main Locus directory to /Android/Media/ and you will have access to all data you need, including photos which are then also accessible by Google system Gallery, Google Photos etc.



Ok, I will do that when I will receive the next update. I select Beta version in the store, so I suppose the next update will include this feature. Why locus recommend Android/data instead of /media on the print screen? From my experience /media should be recommended. Thanks for all.


The /Android/Media/ option is only available in the beta testing version. When this directory is fully tested and proved stable we may add the "recommended" label to it. So far, the /Android/data/ directory is the most stable at the moment.

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