Severe slowdown when enabling distance markers at low zoom levels

David Bongartz shared this problem 11 months ago
Not a Problem

Hi there,

I recently had troubles with the app becoming almost unusable on zoom levels of around 10 and below when at least one track is visible. When no track was visible it is buttery smooth on all zoom levels.

Today I discovered that it was caused by enabling distance markers on tracks (a feature I really like!). This seems to have neglectable performance hit when in zoom levels where the markers are actually visible, a bearable performance hit when zoomed out but a massive performance hit when they are not visible anymore - for me at zl 10.

There seems to be optimization potential for this feature as locus does not seem to have trouble in rendering a good amount of points at these levels really.

The problem is there with just one track but is really bad with multiple. My tracks are usually generated by the track planner and usually around 20-80km.

I think an expert setting to disable them below a certain zoom levels might be a good temporary workaround before the algorithm is improved / fixed.

Best & thanks for this amazing app,


Replies (1)


Hi David,

testing the issue according to your description hasn't brought any results. I've tested 60, 200 and even 700 km long routes without any glitches. Please repeat the action leading to the problem and create a system bug report, hopefully we can find something in it. See

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