In new route planer, full screen mode causes problems

druki shared this problem 4 months ago
In Progress

If I run the new route planer (Locus 4.22, calling route planer from the side menu), first the screen layoit is broken. See screenshot. I can then drag and drop the white box to the buttom and the screen looks ok but full screen with conflicts of the android navigation vs. the add routingpoint button (it is hard to not hit the android menu button) See screenshot.

After having set the first two routing points, the display normalizes and shows the drawer on the bottom correctly.

Poco X3 Pro with Android 13 (MIUI 14)

Replies (10)


I also made a screencast to show the behaviour. Not drawing the white box to the very bottom can avoid collision of the buttons.

Now as I know how to avoid the problem it's ok. If you reach "captured in broken layout" it is sometimes not easy get out. Aborting routing and try again sometomes does not help.


Hi druki,

thank you for your report. Could you also send me screenshot of the place, where you turned on "full screen mode" for Locus Map?


I did not actively switch in full screen mode. This was only a subjective description how it looked like. In the video you see that the display of the android buttons was correct before calling the route planer and as soon as I call it, the screen changes (layout breakes) and looks like a fullscreen display. I noticed that sometimes the route planer at start is displayed correctly and there is a short flickering of showing the white box. I assume that the white box is the "overlay" that becomes the drawer on the button. And during that defect, the whole layout is affected by not regarding the needed space for the android menu. I have set my Android to allways display the Android menu with the three buttons.


I did not know of this is part of the problem, but I just tried to set route points with that white box in the middle, and at setting a new point, there is a strange display as in this screenshot.


Maybe we can rename the topic to: "In new route planer, an empty itinerary can cause layout problems".


I played arround with different settings in Locus but did not find any setting that corrected the broken layout. But I saw that if I go to the expert settings, there is the setting "Fullscreen mode". If I activate this, the new routing display is missing the android buttons as in the reported bug.


Hi druki,

we are not able to simulate this problem. I tried at least to generate version with some possible fix. Could you please try to install this beta version and check if your problem is still there?

Thank you!


Hi Jon,

thanks, we've been dealing with this issue for a few days - you're not the first to report it. It's difficult because we can't simulate it on any of our devices, nor with your instructions - the bottom sheet never disappears, not even after deleting the finish point.


I seem to be a magnet for problems that can't be resolved ☹ (recalculating route causing locus to crash) I'll be selling my phone when I get home - perhaps you'd like to buy it then you'll be able to reproduce the issue!!😉 Maybe the video will help? I tried uploading a video and it uploaded to the post ok, but I can't see it.


Sure, send a video please but we've got several instructions on how to simulate the issue and despite our precisely following them, we did not replicate it.


Better post a sharing link with the video, please.


Is there a size limit to the video? I click the paperclip, select the video and it uploads, then it vanishes....


I've just installed the beta version you listed above and I've tried it a few times now and it works properly. No hidden start and finish panel. 👍

For my needs the new start finish box isn't much use, I plot routes one point at a time. Is there a setting to switch off the start finish box and the expanding waypoint list and have it how it used to be? The list just takes up screen space and isn't any use for my needs. I know you can collapse it and drag the panel down, but that's more extra button presses each time I use it.

I do understand the new layout may be ideal for some.


I can confirm that with this special pre-version the route planer layout has no more problems on my phone. Sorry for the delay in answering, I was a bit busy...


Unfortunately the route planner problem does still occur in, but very intermittently. I've been using it for a while with no problems and then the issue will pop up with the + and - buttons being covered by the android navigation bar.

I've not worked out the procedure to replicate this yet as it's quite infrequent.


To reproduce. Click new route, add 3 points, delete them.


Hi Jon, could you please send us a video of your procedure? I'm unable to simulate it.


Create a route with 2 or 3 points in. Collapse the bottom start finish menu and drag it down to only show the altitude /distance bar etc. delete the posts, the screen then goes blank.!ArFlIL_uOYvRltYW8CF_nOpIbzZJ9Q

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