Garmin Fenix 7 crashes when starting Track from Locus

Benedikt Schraik shared this problem 11 months ago


Since last weekend my Garmin Fenix 7 crashes, when I try to start a Locus track (could be new related to the new route planner)

Track download works as expected. Starting the navigation results in an immediate reboot of the watch

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5

Locus Version 4.2.2

Garmin Fenix 7, OS Version 16.22

Replies (7)


i have the same problem. After exporting the newly created route from the new version of the planner in LocusMap 4.22.2 to the FIT file format, and then importing it to the Garmin Epix Gen 2 watch, the watch restarts after starting the track. When trying again, the watch won't even boot, a hard factory reset is required. Tracks (FIT files) created before the planner update work without a problem.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra
Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra X910 16 GB 1TB WIFI
Garmin Epix Gen 2, OS ver. 16.22


Hi, that is quite nasty.. analysing.


Zdravím, máte pravdu, hodně nepříjemná záležitost. Při hledání příčiny jsem díky následným pokusům pětkrát musel provést Hard Reset s otravným znovu nastavováním hodinek. Brzké odstranění tohoto problému bych velice uvítal a ocenil. Plánování tras a následný import do FIT souboru je pro klíčová vlastnost Locusu, kterou skoro denně používám, a pro kterou jsem si Locus předplatil. Přeji hodně štěstí v hledání problému....


Máte prosím představu, kdy vám to fungovalo naposledy pokud tento export používáte často? Začalo to opravdu souběžně s vydáním nové verze 4.22? Pomůže nám to s dohledáním problému. Díky.


Na sto procent to souvisí s aktualizací nové verze plánovače. Zkoušel jsem do hodinek importovat poslední trasu naplánovanou před aktualizací (cca 2 dny), a ta fungovala bez problémů....


Na základě Vašeho komentáře jsem ještě jednou provedl pokus. Naplánoval jsem trasu dle Vaší informace ve webovém plánovači (, trasu synchronizoval do Android aplikace Locus 4.22.2 a odtamtud exportoval bez další editace do souboru Garmin „FIT“. Po importu do hodinek Garmin Epix Gen 2, 16.22 a následném spuštění trasy bylo vše v pořádku.
Poté jsem naplánoval jinou trasu přímo v Android aplikaci Locus 4.22.2 (plánování, přidání navigačních příkazů, editace WP). Po uložení jsem trasu exportoval do Garmin „FIT“ souboru, poté importoval do hodinek Garmin Epix Gen 2, 16.22 a po spuštění trasy opět Hard Reset.


Seems like Garmin crashes when loading track generated via in-app planner and the problem isn't necessary related with version 4.22 (new planner UX). Tested on Epix 16.22 - no factory reset needed after crash.

In-app gps-recorded tracks or track planned via web planner ( and exported via mobile app works fine.

That is what we know so far and continue in analysis of the issue.


Based on your comment, I made another attempt. I planned the route according to your information in the web planner (, synchronized the route to the Locus 4.22.2 Android application and exported it from there without further editing to the Garmin "FIT" file. After importing to the Garmin Epix Gen 2 watch, 16.22 and then running the route, everything was fine.
I then planned another route directly in the Locus 4.22.2 Android app (planning, adding navigation commands, editing WP). After saving, I exported the route to a Garmin "FIT" file, then imported it to the Garmin Epix Gen 2 watch, 16.22, and after running the route, Hard Reset again.


Hi, we located the problem and resolved it in internal build. We expect to release it during next 2 weeks.

In the meantime workaround is to switch in-app planner to use Grapphoper for routing (or plan courses on web).


Hello, great news. Thank you for the information and the initiative in solving the problem.


Small update: For those who don't want to wait for next release, you can download our BETA APK installation file and test the fix in advance:
BETA builds are not stable versions and might contain also some other minor issues.


Problem was resolved in the app version 4.23.


Hello, tested... Now everything works as it should. Thank you for solving the problem in a flash.


Hi, still a Locus Map classic (paid version) user here! It seems that I am also affected by this bug:

When I use my Garmin watch (Forerunner 755) to navigate along a track which has been created and exported by means of the Locus Classic Android App (v 3.70.9), the watch crashes and reboots.

Is this the same problem that has been been discussed here in was solved in Locus 4.23? Any change the fix will get backported to the classic version?

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