BRouter profiles with route planner

Andreas Krüger shared this question 3 months ago

Hi all,

Could you please give me guidance/update your documentation on how to include additional/new BRouter profiles which are stored in


to make them usable in Locus route planner?

Furthermore I was not able yet to identify a function to remove a profile again in Route Manager.

Thanks for your support


Replies (7)


Sorry , last sentence should read

Furthermore I was not able yet to identify a function to remove a profile again in route planner.


Ok, found out how to delete a profile: long press on profile, menu popping up and choose to delete.


Choose another profile. In the overview there is the 3 point menu at the top. There you can choose which ones you want to see. New ones will be added below.


Thanks for your reply, but I am refering to profiles for the BRouter routing engine, not profiles for the LoRouter routing engine.


Hi Andreas,

copy the profile files (.brf) into Locus/router/profiles2 folder via a file browser and edit the profiles setup in Locus Map route planner. More at


Hi Michal,

thanks for your reply.

As on my phone there was no "/Locus/router/profiles2" folder, I created it and copied the profiles in there. Unfortunately Locus still did not provide all the profiles I copied there, so I took a closer look at the Locus settings for the main directory. It actually still was configured as using a "Private folder in Android/data", which with my Pixel 8 Android 14 I was not able to access at all but where I assumed Locus took all the BRouter profile information from.

So I changed to "Private folder in Android/media" and copied/changed the BRouter profiles to "/Android/media/". From then on all these copied/changed BRouter profiles were presented and can be used in the profile sections of the route planner.

Hope this now is the correct way of setting up profiles for the BRouter routing engine. At least it works for me that way :-)

Maybe you can confirm and may I suggest then to amend the documentation at

  • to at least add a remark about the proper setting of the main directory to "Private folder in Android/media"
  • and change the description about the profile directory from "/Locus/router/profiles2" to "/Android/media/".

Thanks for your support and your great product,



Hi Michal,

no feedback means good feedback? :-)

Could you please look at the information I posted and (hopefully) confirm my approach?

If it is OK, please also change documentation as mentioned in my last post.

Thanks a lot,



Hi Andreas,

the section concerning routers in Locus Map is still under development and many things are to be changed. A few things must be added and rebuilt so that both LoRouter and BRouter work properly, independently and with all possible customization options. The way you reconfigured your setup is correct but still, it can be changed in the future so the user guide will be updated when all is finished. Thanks for understanding.


Hi Michal,

thanks for the concise information and totally understand documentation to be adjusted only after the final changes.

Good to hear that I am on the right track with my configuration.

Keep up the good work.


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