Wrong geocache log order

AntMadeira shared this problem 11 months ago

Hi there.

In the main page of each geocache that we open in Locus, there's a sequence of icons that shows the last four logs.

The problem is that if you set a list of geocaching friends and you update the geocache, the logs made by friends jump to the front and appear in that icon sequence, even though they were made a long time ago.

I would expect that the icon order would respect the real date order, and not put the friends' logs up first

Example: in this image, the first smile is from a friend, made in 2021. The second smile is from another user, from 2023.

Replies (2)


I think this is a good and logical feature. I want to see friends' logs first and then other finds.


It's not logical, because they're not the last 4 logs.

When you open the logs window, it's ok to show friends' logs first, but the icons in the geocache page should be the last 4, so that you can judge the geocache "health".



the bug has been identified and will be fixed in the next app version. Thanks for reporting it!

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