Display of empty white surfaces in offline LoMaps

Wolfgang shared this problem 5 months ago

Good afternoon,

I've been using Locus for years as standard app for all map applications. In the latest versions of Locus 4 I found when using your offline LoMaps many empty places. This applies to many kinds of areas but is very significant to parking areas even though I know, they are stractured. This applies to all the three of your map schemes. Using the online Locus map, the areas are well displayed. This reduces the applicaibility of your offline maps significantly.

There are well reasons using offline maps because of their independence of the internet, which can have significant data usage and is according expensive i.e. out the EU ind Switzerland. Therefor I will appreciate if you returen to the well structured display of your offline maps. Local storage of our smartphones should be large enough to manage possible larger files due to this improvement.

Plese find attached 2 screenshots of the same area with your online and offline maps as example.

Best wishes, Wolfgang

Replies (7)


Hi again,

I just found, that the data is there but that it is a display probem only.

Attached are 3 screenshots of my area in different resolution. When looking on the large white Area you find:

1. The low resolution image shows thin vertical lines indicating parkways and barriers around the area

2. The middle resolution image shows no parkway but the barriers are present.

3. The high resolution image looses additionaly some barriers.

I think, I am not the onye one here, who is of the opinnion, the the details presented on display should increase with inceasing resolution.

Good evening again,



Dear Wolfgang,

thank you for the message. The parking place is really displayed as a "white" area. The same style is used for minor roads - white line with grey outline. The vertical lines are the "roads" that are mapped inside the parking. These vertical lines look rather strange and for this reason the white area style is used. You're right, there is a difference in the individual zoom levels, where you see vertical lines at zoom 14. We will improve this in the next version of Locus Maps.

The barrier icons should always be visible. If there is a place on the map that do not conflict with another element such as text (street names, another icon).

Thanks, Petr


Dear Petr,

I'm sorry, but I am strongly of the opinion, that the answer doesn't help. There are not only quasi free areas displayed as empty. Here an example. The building shown using the online map on the place is an importent public building here. For me, this is a clear error.

The small roads of course including the building should at least be displayed using your map styles road or town.

Kind regards, Wolfgang


Dear Wolfgang,

thank you for the example. I understand your point, but in this case the parking is poorly mapped. The data basically says "parking is everywhere", even in the building. I know that's nonsense, but there should be "a hole" in the parking are for the building, but there isn't. Parking is defined as "through the building."

The parking is defined: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/193624689

So the only solution is to scrap the concept of "filled" parking areas and use the same style as seen in the online maps.Regards


Dear Petr,

OSM is maintained as Wikipedia by people like me, that do this without prior education. It is learning by doing. As a consequence, I had never found the "error" in mapping. It is simply a building on a place as there are way's on the place.

It is the job of professionell renderers to make the best of it. You do it using the online map but not using the offline map.

For me, your scheme applied now were very confusing in regions, where I don't know, that there is a building on th place. And this is, what maps make useful.

I will be happy, if you return the the complete display of places like this. I judge the quality from my konwledge about the displayed scene. Your map gets ia bad rating as is.

Kind regards, Wolfgang


Dear Petr,

since it is still open here I try to find a way to a solution. Otherwise, mappers and renderers can debate forever without any progress.

I think, the benchmark should be, how OSM itself displays their data provided by many thousand of mappers worldwide. In our case, I were the matchwinner. OSM coincides with your display of your online data.

And this support of maybe old or even outdated mapping standards is a great job of the renderers. Mappers are asked in the OSM help panels, not to map for a specific renderer (e.g. you) but do the best feasable job for the OSM standard map.

By this we should be able to look foreward together. Regards,


PS: Screenshot of OSM of the last sample problem.


Dear Wolfgang,

there are and will be errors or incorrectly mapped elements in OSM. We are trying to create themes or transform data to reduce these problems.

Therefore, we have considered your comment and agree that we cannot simply ignore the hidden building. Starting with the next version, parking areas will use a similar style to the standard OSM map




Thank you for good news. By the way, I tried to improve mapping of the place debated here. I don't even know, whether this is an improvement, because I am only a semi stupid mapper as most of all mappers are.

As a whole our at first anarchichal organized flock we make a good job. We will be happy, if you continue to do the very best of it.

Best wishes, Wolfgang


great :) thank you
We also appreciate the work of the community and cannot blame it for anything



Thanks back to you. The newest version just received renders as it should do:-)


Great :)

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