OSM notes. Error 11105

40° shared this question 9 months ago

Nothing happens when you try to enable OSM Notes. When I try to log into OSM, I get error message 11105. I already know that the problem only occurs on my phone. Everything works correctly on other phones.

The problem can probably be solved by returning the phone to factory settings. But before I do that, I would like to find another, simple solution.

Maybe someone can tell me how to solve the problem?

The Internet in the phone works without any problems. And I've tried different providers. The error does not disappear.

Below is the error log:

---------- version: 1125 / 3.70.9 package: menion.android.locus.pro android: 24, REL device: Lenovo / Lenovo P2a42 errorCode: 11105 msg: authorize(null) stack: oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthCommunicationException: Communication with the service provider failed: Service provider responded in error: 10100 (Ой, кажется, возникла проблема с вашим подключением к Интернету. Выберите другую сеть или WiFi, либо повторите попытку позже.) at o.caF.RemoteActionCompatParcelizer(:218) at o.caF.write(:74) at o.NoSuchPaddingException.MediaBrowserCompat$CustomActionResultReceiver(:168) at o.NoSuchPaddingException.RemoteActionCompatParcelizer(:76) at o.SSLPeerUnverifiedException.invoke() at o.set_result_zeroblob$MediaSessionCompat$ResultReceiverWrapper.MediaBrowserCompat$CustomActionResultReceiver(:596) at o.onRendererResponsive.write(:47) at o.onRendererResponsive.doInBackground(:16) at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:304) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761) Caused by: oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthCommunicationException: Service provider responded in error: 10100 (Ой, кажется, возникла проблема с вашим подключением к Интернету. Выберите другую сеть или WiFi, либо повторите попытку позже.) at o.caF.write(:245) at o.caF.RemoteActionCompatParcelizer(:193) ... 12 more oauth.signpost.exception.OAuthCommunicationException: Service provider responded in error: 10100 (Ой, кажется, возникла проблема с вашим подключением к Интернету. Выберите другую сеть или WiFi, либо повторите попытку позже.) at o.caF.write(:245) at o.caF.RemoteActionCompatParcelizer(:193) at o.caF.write(:74) at o.NoSuchPaddingException.MediaBrowserCompat$CustomActionResultReceiver(:168) at o.NoSuchPaddingException.RemoteActionCompatParcelizer(:76) at o.SSLPeerUnverifiedException.invoke() at o.set_result_zeroblob$MediaSessionCompat$ResultReceiverWrapper.MediaBrowserCompat$CustomActionResultReceiver(:596) at o.onRendererResponsive.write(:47) at o.onRendererResponsive.doInBackground(:16) at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:304) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1133) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:607) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:761)

Replies (4)


I also tried to completely remove Locus from the phone and delete the Locus folder. Then I installed Locus 3.70.09 and immediately checked OSM notes. The problem remains.

I also want to point out that OSM notes used to work on this phone. But I haven't used it for a long time.


Hi Vyacheslav,

we've completely rebuilt OSM log-in in the Locus Map 4 (the next version coming next week). When it is out, please test it and if the error is fixed, we might copy the fix into Locus Map Classic as well.


I will be able to do this after 06/10/2024
I will definitely write the test result.


I tried the MapGooglePlayAfa_4.24.2_1135_release.apk version.
"enable OSM notes" - does not work
"log in to OSM" - does not work (error: 10100)



I found that if I turn on the OSM tracks layer and then move the map, OSM notes will start to be displayed, and logging into OSM will work correctly until the locus is completed. When starting the locus, everything repeats.




In the Locus Classic, an old system exists that most probably no longer works. Anyway, as Michal wrote, the system in the latest 4.24 version should work without a problem. When you enable "Display on map" even if not logged in, there really are no notes on the map? Should be. On your first video, you wait only a second and move a map too little, so give it a try, zoom and move a little more if it helps, thanks.

The problem I see on your video is that after login, app still displays that you are not logged in. Interesting. Have you tried Chrome or any other browser? Opera may be problematic from time to time.


> In the Locus Classic, an old system exists that most probably no longer works.

But it works if you enable the OSM tracks layer display.

> Anyway, as Michael wrote, the system in the latest 4.24 version should work without a problem.

However, this version does not work for me.

> When you enable "Display on map" even if not logged in, there really are no notes on the map? Should be. On your first video, you wait only a second and move a map too little, so give it a try, zoom and move a little more if it helps, thanks.

It really doesn't work. I've been waiting for quite a long time. It didn't help. But if you enable the OSM tracks layer, the notes will appear very quickly.

> The problem I see on your video is that after login, app still displays that you are not logged in.

Logging in works correctly provided that the OSM tracks layer is enabled.

> Interesting. Have you tried Chrome or any other browser?

But the error occurs even before opening the browser. there is no way to select a browser.

> Opera may be problematic from time to time.
But if the OSM tracks layer is enabled, then there are no problems with the Opera browser.


Why any map layer affect OSM notes - I have no idea.

What may help here with detecting of the problem is a log from the Beta version. So if possible, give a try Beta version that will be published in the end of this week. Long click on the main menu > enable debug logs to file + after the test, send me a file accessible in the Locus/logs directory. Thanks.


Yes, of course I will. I'm waiting for the new version.


pay attention to this: https://github.com/MarcusWolschon/osmeditor4android/issues/2556

I also use vespucci and I have the same problem accessing the OSM server.

Most likely, the reason is Android 7.0, which I still use.


Ah, thanks for the info. I've read carefully the reported issue.

Seems to be hard to solve, mainly for me as I'm not a certificate expert. Based on this post, the deadline already passed. So simply, I'm worried I see no simple solution on the Locus Map side, sorry.


Since there is a workaround in the form of including an OSM track layer, it probably isn't worth spending more effort on solving this problem.

Thanks for the help.

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