The parameters of external profiles do not have effect when using LoRouter offline

Giovanni Vacca shared this question 4 months ago


I just tried the latest version of Locus 4.24 and I would like to report a bug. In the planner screen, the parameters of external profiles do not have any effect on the calculation when using LoRouter offline, while if I use the external app Brouter, the parameters have an effect on the route that will be calculated (test on same profile!).
Thank you for looking into this.

Replies (1)



LoRouter only works correctly with BRouter profiles created before the latest BRouter's update of its concept. If you need the newest BR profiles, use BRouter. Could you please send the BRF file with the custom profile here for a test? Thanks.


I have attached the files. I tried both v6 and v7. In v6, I changed some value, such as mj_rd_penalty, which I set to 5 and 10, but I got the same result as when it was set to 1. In v7, I unchecked the avoid_ferry box and calculated a route with no effect.


Thanks, we'll look into it. For the time being, use BRouter instead.


I understand that there could be code or syntax errors, as I am not a programmer, but just a beginner self-taught who needed a custom profile and studied to create it. However, what I wanted to convey is that if I change the flag from the file instead of the planner menu, it works correctly.


Hi Giovanni. Thanks for reporting this issue. Of course there is something missing in the routing engine. (Transferring custom parameters works from (external) profiles to Locus UI, but not in the opposite direction). This is why you can make difference editing the files, but not making actual changes in the Locus UI. I will fix it, then the change will be published with the new version of Locus. Sorry for inconvenience.


Maybe one more remark: We have recently added support (for external profiles) for "checkbox" parameters and "number" parameters. The "select one of many" parameters will not be visible in Locus UI.


I understand that "select one of many" is not yet available, and I have adapted to it so far. However, I am optimistic and hope that you will implement it in the future. As you can see from my v7 profile, there are many menus with multiple choices, and creating a file for each combination would only create confusion. Therefore, I remain confident in your work and thank you for what you do. The only thing I can do is report these bugs and pay for and promote this fantastic app.

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