Problem with energy consumption

Jörg Sprenger shared this problem 4 months ago

Hello Locusmap team.

Since I started using Locusmap, I have been observing unbelievable calorie consumption calculations.

A few days ago, I noticed and documented extreme deviations when my wife and I recorded them on our smartphones at the same time. The same profiles were used, once on a Samsung S23, once on an A55.

If you could now read something from a log, please tell me how, I will first show the clear discrepancy between the two calculations.

For me it is once again an incentive to motivate you to design a calculation field for the user for the independent calculation based on existing locus map variables.

Finally, because I have not forgotten, I am enthusiastic about Locusmap and recommend it again and again.

Replies (7)


Hi Jörg,

the calculation of energy consumption is influenced by a range of factors - besides the body parameters, there is the type of activity, heart rate, route slope gradient, elevation gain, etc. The two measurements that you provide differ particularly in the lack of heart rate. Also, if the track has deviations can play a significant role. Could you please send the GPX of both tracks' records? Thanks


Hi Michael. Thank you for xour comment. I know about these factors, but while analyzing the stored body-parameters, the shown information about the tracks, I don't see any hint to understand that great difference. Attached the two gpx-tracks


Hi Jörg,

the difference is given by the heart rate value included in your measurement and not-included in your wife's result. With the HR, Locus Map calulates the energy concumption on the HR-based formula which is personalized and much more accurate. Without the HR, Locus Map calculates the energy consumption on MET-based formula which is general and universal but not so accurate.


Hi Michael

I understand, what you habe explained, but I can't believe that my consumption 8n that situation results in a 4 times higher value.

365 vs 1350 kcal, if so, the calculation would be of no worth without HR, ohtherwise with HR, I should feel like Superman ;-)

This would result in a consumption of 2700 kcal in 6 hours, walking on a approx. flat terrain. Can't believe that, because of this, I should be a very this man 😄😄


Hi Jörg,

your heart rate on the track shows values above average - 100 BPM average and 141 maximum which is quite high for a walk. This makes the difference.




Hallo Michael

Ich frage noch einmal nach; eine Herzfrequenz von 100/min erscheint mir überhaupt nicht ungewöhnlich bei leichter körperlicher Aktivität.

Beim Jogging komme ich schnell auf Werte von 150-170/min, bei einem Ruhepuls von 55.

Hello Michael

I'll ask again; a heart rate of 100/min doesn't seem at all unusual to me during light physical activity.

When jogging, I quickly reach values of 150-170/min, with a resting heart rate of 55.

It seems to me that the calculations simply don't apply to me and the HR-free calculation doesn't apply to my wife.

Übersetzt mit DeepL

Mir scheint, auf mich passen die Berechnungen einfach nicht und auf meiner Frau passt die HR-freie Berechnung nicht.


Hi Jörg,

I've discussed the issue with the main app developer and we don't know what is wrong. So far, we only have feedback from you.

Without the HR data, the energy consumption is calculated from the base metabolism, which is cca 1600 kcal/day in your case. The average walk is cca 3 times the base, i.e. 1600/24*3 which is 200 kcal/day. Your walk took 2:15 which should result in 450 kcal. Why the app reports a lower value - 360 kcal, we don't know.

With HR, the calculation is based on the formula from This returns a bit higher values (cca +10%) because the app calculates the energy consumption much more acccurately.

As a result, the with and without HR values are quite different and we are unsure which is correct. To sort it out, we would need a standardized track with relevant body data which we would consider perfect. And this we don't have.


Hi Michael

I am hiking in the alps, together with some people of different ages. The calculation of LM is astonishing me once again. The daily energy consuption differs about 100%.

I'm sure, I'm not the only one, who remarked such behavior.

As you described, the calculation with heartrate is more precise, but could never ecplain the great differences.

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