GPX import

Ajay shared this question 4 months ago

I have seen a few topics about problems with GPX import. But none of them seems to address my problem. I am using LM3, latest version. And I am trying to import GPX tracks from a website called

When I download a track from this website and check it using an online gpx viewer, e.g. Graphhopper Track, the downloaded file shows complete and without errors. It also displays as expected on a OSM map.

When I import the same track into LM, and store it in a folder there are no error messages. When I try to see it on the appropriate map, I see the track expected PLUS a few straight lines from begin of the track to one or the other point in the middle, and the end point. Checking inside the folder into which I stored the track file, there are actually two new track files (I imported one only), but deleting one of them or the other does not correct the problem.

Could anybody advise if this is a bug, or a "user induced" problem ?

Replies (5)



could you please send a sample GPX for a test? Thanks


Hi Michal, of course, here is one such file. The problem does apply to any GPX file coming from



the problem is that the GPX contains one route with waypoints (<rte>) and one track (<trk>). This is obviously a very non-standard way of exporting a single route and Locus Map does not support this kind of GPX, sorry for that.


I understand, and of course I cannot influence what that website puts into their GPX files.

But how is it possible that the online tool (by Graphhopper) shows the correct route ? Obviously they have no problem selecting the right data, and ignoring the "not needed" data. Could LM do a similar thing ... with an add-on, or itself ?


But they do have an influence on the website data. You can write to them and address the problem. I once had something similar on a site. They were happy for me to report the problem.


Yes, GPX with geocaches can be imported without problems.


So I have a question for this, is it possible to import a gpx with geocaches? Or is that not yet possible?

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