LoMaps POIs vs OSM POIs

Richard Ruhland shared this question 4 months ago
In Progress


Lomaps is based on openstreetmaps?! But also noticed that OSM buildings (POIS) are displayed and not in Lomaps. I thought I remembered that it wasn't that way before.

Screenshot Example from WebPlanner vs OSM



LoMaps basiert doch auf OpenStreetMaps?! Aber mit ist aufgefallen dass in OSM Gebäude (POIs) angezeigt werden und in LoMaps nicht. Ich meinte mich zu erinnern das es früher nicht so war.

Replies (2)


OSM is a MONSTER database and LoMaps takes a specific SUBSET of this data to show on its website and in its LoMaps.

That applies to the maps (streets, vegetation, rivers, lakes and sea) as well as the POI database.

And in particular if you use OAM maps and the Elevate themes, you can switch the visibility of POIs on map level - this a pure display topic.

With POIs in the databas (LoMpas as well as OAM), you have the filter (like on the map), but additionally a search feature, storing POIs etc. But again the SUBSET of POIs of both offerings differ.


Yes, can see that, but in the past I hadn't seen this behavior. Standard Lomaps Pois (online or offline) with Lomaps Topic. You can also see that certain POIs are coated, but not all. Alos something is wrong here.


ja kann so sehen, aber in der Vergangenheit hatte ich dieses verhalten nicht gesehen. Standard LoMaps POIs (Online oder Offline) mit LoMaps Thema. Man kann auch sehen, dass bestimmte POIs angezeigt werden, aber nicht alle. Also irgendwas stimmt hier nicht.


Thank you, I thought some buildings were missing. For the building names, please check the offline LoMaps. The online LoMaps are a bit limited and indeed some building names may not be displayed

Regards, Petr


Hello petr,

Apparently I expressed myself unclear. In fact, I mean the building designation (POI). I was not aware that Diepois are incomplete on the online cards and I thought I remembered that this was not the case in the past. I like to be wrong here too. I use the offline map version of Lomaps.

What irritates me. Lomaps uses OSM as the basis and what reason should give a limitation here? That would be a disadvantage for Lomaps.

My wish for the future. To make the Poss of OSM visible in Lomaps.


Hallo Petr,

anscheinend habe ich mich unklar ausgedrückt. Ich meine in der tat die gebäudebezeichung (POI). Das bei den Online Karten diePois unvollständig sind, war mir nicht bewusst und ich meinte mich zu erinnern dass dies in der Vergangheit nicht so war. ich mag mich auchn hier irren. ich benutze die offline Maps Version von loMaps.

Was mich irritiert. LoMaps nutzt als Basis OSM und welchen Grund soll hier eine Begrenzung geben? Das wäre doch ein Nachteil für LoMaps.

Mein Wunsch für die Zukunft. Die POSs von OSM auch in LoMaps sichtbar zu machen.


Hello Richard,

I mentioned offline LoMaps because your screenshot uses online LoMaps. The names of the buildings are shown in the offline LoMaps.

As Michael mentioned, only a subset of the OSM data is used for our maps. OSM itself is not a map - it is a database of points, lines that contain geospatial information. The raw OSM data needs to be transformed and preprocessed in order to use it for rendering maps. For the online dataset, we are using a dataset from Thunderforest and they use a slightly different subset of the OSM and because of this we are limited in the element that can be displayed in the online maps.




Dear Richard,
As Michael wrote, LoMaps only show a subset of the OSM data.
Anyway, could you please point out what building is missing in LoMaps? I must be blind and can't see it in your example :)
Thanks, Petr


Hello, Here are the differences in the Lomaps to OSM



anbei die Unterschiede der LoMaps zu OSM

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