Quick switch last used overlay

Blihi shared this idea 3 months ago
Gathering feedback

If possible, I'd like to make a custom button on the sidepanel to quickly switch the last used overlay on and off (just like the button to switch the last used dashboard on and off)

I'm using a custom overlay for traffic information and would like to be able to switch it on and off with one action.

Replies (4)



this action only needs two taps - first to open the content panel - and second to activate the overlay. More at https://docs.locusmap.app/doku.php?id=manual:user_guide:mainscr_lpanel#map_overlay.


I know and it can also be done with a single "toggle" intent sent through Tasker.

I'm using Locus on a motorbike and then single taps in the side menu are feasible. Double taps with menu's moving in view not so much. But it's only a request :)


If it works with Tasker, then use a BT remote control and trigger it by pressing a hardware button


Sure, that's also an option although I'm running out of hardware buttons :) I'm currently using Carpe-Iter to control Locus, which means I can do zooming, centering and map rotation with HW buttons. As soon as CI allows for customization, I will think about more functions I want to control with the HW buttons and toggling overlays is surely one of them.

Anyway, it was just a request, no worries if it is all too complicated.

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