Audio Coach Elevation ain too low

Staudenkletterer shared this problem 7 months ago

Thanks to your newsletter I came across the Audio Coach, a great feature.
I have tried it twice and both times I have noticed that the elevation gain announced via the audio output is about 20 % too low compared to what is shown on the display.

Displayed Elevation Gain Audio Elevation Gain Audio Elevation Gain per Interval Difference
53 42 42 79 %
137 122 80 89 %
204 172 50 84 %
256 218 46 85 %

I have seen the six to seven year old topics. I'm not sure if they address the same problem. As far as I know, the altitude metre calculation has been fundamentally revised since then.

Apart from that, I would have expected the voice output to be independent of the calculation and ‘simply’ announce the displayed value.

Is there some setting to fix this?

Kind Regards,

Replies (2)


Hello Bernhard,

thanks for the interesting testing. I've never compared these values during run so this issue completely missed my attention. I've found one small issue in cases, where you use pressure sensor or "replace by SRTM" options to optimize elevation during recording. Not sure if this is your case, but if so, it will be fixed in the next app version next week.

Otherwise, I'll have to test it more precisely. Let me know.


Hi Menion,

thank you very much for fixing it in version 4.25. It works perfectly now. The systematic error is completely solved. Sometimes there is only a slight deviation of a few metres, but this is well below the measurement accuracy.

I am currently travelling by bike and had the opportunity to test it extensively.

Best regards,


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