Routing Profil Konfigurator

freischneider shared this idea 2 months ago
Gathering feedback

There are more and more different interests in the routing profile in the cycling sector. Road bike, touring bike, trekking bike, MTB, enduro...
and everyone has different interests.
Example MTB: I want easy paths (gravel, asphalt) uphill, but not e-bikers, who also want trails with max. S1. Downhill I want paths (trails) some S1 others S2....Some want uphill max. gradients of xx and others want others.
This means you would have to create lots of profiles with lots of sliders.
That's why it would make more sense to develop a configurator and let everyone create their own profiles.

Replies (2)


Nice idea (& vote), but when I compare the text inside of all the profiles I have, they are mostly radically different, being different authors, and hard to imagine how to reconcile all of those different strategies/ algorithms/ priorities without a single configurator. Isn't that the advantage of individual profiles - anyone can have a go? And isn't that where the more minor configuration parameters within a profile is supposed to help out? For your MTB example - a single slider would offer preference for each of easy | uphill | max S1?


Yes, of course you're right. But it would be important to be able to differentiate between uphill and downhill.
Perhaps it could also be placed intelligently in the profile. Slider and fields to select.
Many organic bikers only want easy terrain (gravel, asphalt) uphill and not too steep. An e-bike usually doesn't care. But S2 or S3 uphill doesn't work there either.


>important to be able to differentiate between uphill and downhill.

Yes, would be nice - sometimes I create multiple routes with 3 favorite profiles to compare (using Recalculate All > Save as New). One profile will often be a Velomobile which tries to minimize uphill sections. I can then compare for climbing/ distance/ busy roads/ surface.

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